In the framework of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), the African Standby Force (ASF) is one of the key instruments for the prevention and management of violent conflicts on the continent. Out of the five regional forces which form the ASF, the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) was the first regional Standby Force to declare its full Operational Capability (FOC) pursuant to its last multidimensional Command Post Exercise (CPX) in Ethiopia in November 2014.
While EASF’s general readiness for conducting Peace Support Operations (PSO) has been widely acknowledged, it is now required to consolidate and further optimize the achievements made.
Part of this effort includes the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which will guide the multidimensional personnel to approach their roles and responsibilities in a systematic, harmonized and synchronized manner.
The task has been divided into three parts, namely;
(1). SOPs in Civilian Dimension
(2). SOPs in Mission Support
(3). SOPs in EASD POD
Kindly visit the EASF Website and navigate to "Bulletin" and then "Vacancies"to access the Terms of Reference which are available on that page. The application procedures are indicated in the attached documents.