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Friday, January 13, 2017

Local Economic Development: Team Leader/International Consultant and LED Advisor/National Consultant

by Unknown  |  in Somalia at  1:54 AM

Assessment of the Local Economic Development component of the Joint Programme on Local Governance
The Joint Programme on Local Governance (JPLG) was launched in 2008, the programme is currently in its 2nd Phase (2013 -2017). The Joint Programme, which has five partners including ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF, is aligned to and contributes to the Somali development frameworks (Somali Compact, National Development Plans). The overall objective of JPLG is to promote improvements in local governance quality that can contribute to peace consolidation, development and equitable service delivery. This is to be achieved through 3 outcomes:-
· Outcome 1: Policy and legal frameworks are improved to enable local governments to deliver equitable services.
· Outcome 2: Local government capacity for equitable service delivery is improved.
· Outcome 3: Local governments are accountable and responsive to community priorities in providing equitable and sustainable services and promoting local economic development.
The Local Economic Development (LED) component of the Joint Programme on local Governance (JPLG) is designed to build the capacities of the local governments on economic development and engage the private sector in local governance and service delivery and contributes to outcome 3 of the programme. This is to be achieved by supporting the development of strategies, frameworks, structures and interventions which promote collaboration and engagement of the private sector in local governance and service delivery as well as economic growth in support of decentralization.
The ILO through JPLG has supported 12 districts across Somaliland, Puntland as well as Baidoa, Beletweyne, Jowhar in new Federal Member States of Somalia in the establishment and strengthening of economic local governance structures and capacities to reflect the priorities of communities; encourage and guide local economic development and forge partnerships between the private, public and community sectors. Interventions designed and implemented are informed by local economy assessments, incorporating labour market survey, business enabling environment survey data, and outcomes from participatory LED strategic planning. These address barriers in exploiting local economic potential; create an enabling environment for inclusive private sector-led growth and decent jobs in each district. The results of these interventions include i)Business regulatory environment through improvements to simplify and streamline the business licensing procedures in 6 districts in Somaliland, 6 in Puntland and currently on-going in Mogadishu, Benadir Region. This has resulted in an increase (ranging from 20-40%) in number of businesses on the register and expanding the revenue base. ii) A complementary micro and small enterprise development support package of interventions targeting over 800 beneficiaries in 2014/15 involved the development of business development service providers and certified entrepreneurship trainers (using the ILO Enterprise Training Modules, Start and Improve Your Business), targeting young graduates, new and existing micro-and small enterprises for enterprise training and start-up loans through micro-finance schemes in partnership with the private sector. Support to cooperatives, skills training and the introduction of local resource-based, employment intensive technologies in construction and environment conservation including bio-gas technology has been also been provided iii) Through the Local Economic Development funding window (under the JPLG Local Development Fund) which has supported the local administrations undertake projects to improve existing and build new economic infrastructure including markets and roads. In view of the strong local commitments and visible results on the ground, the LED approach is becoming popular in the localities. There are many good practices and lessons learned emerging from this approach that could be documented and scaled up.
In 2015, the JPLG conducted a mid-term review of the programme, one of the recommendations from the review was an assessment of the LED approach implemented by the JPLG to assess its impact and inform the design of the 3rd phase of the programme. The assessment will inform the key actors on the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the LED approach that is being implemented. The need to harmonize the LED processes with the local government planning process has been identified to avoid promotion of parallel planning processes and funding streams. This assessment will guide the integration of local economic development in the governments core Participatory Planning and Expenditure Management framework (PEM).
The overall objective of the assessment is to assist the JPLG, donors, governments, regional administrations private sector and other potential partners understand the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance (governance, server delivery), sustainability and impact of the LED approach and practices adopted by the JPLG.
The assessment will address, but not limited to the following:
a) Review the existing LED planning, implementation and management framework which is in practice, as well as its effectiveness and efficiency;
b) Review and analyze the LED planning process and provide recommendations vis a vis PEM
c) Review the local LED Strategies which have been developed and being implemented in the districts;
d) Review the existing financing system/strategies and procedures being followed for LED as well as its effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability;
e) Assess the completed and on-going activities, relating to capacity development for creating enabling environment, jobs creation, increasing investments and revenue generation, as well as overall stimulating local economies and reducing poverty;
f) Assess the institutional relationship, arrangement and management of the intervention in terms of ensuring accountability, equity and sustainability;
g) Assess the overall LED approach, in light of improving gender equality and enhancing women empowerment;
h) Assess the linkage and contribution of the LED approach to the outcome of the JPLG programme
i) Analyze and illustrate the comparative advantages, value added, best practices and lessons learned to promote the LED approach/ intervention;
The assessment will commence with a review of the available related national, local and JPLG programme policies, strategies, frameworks, programme documents, work plans, manuals and reports. A series of meetings with the key actors in national, regional and local levels, private sector and communities as well as field visits to the districts. There will be several interviews and consultations to be conducted with the focused groups and beneficiaries. Data and information to be collected should be evidence-based, as well as qualitative and quantitative in nature. The assessment will follow a participatory approach. Once the draft assessment report is developed, it should be shared with all the key relevant stakeholders for their comments, views, suggestions and recommendations.
Implementation Arrangements
The JPLG ILO in general and Project Manager in particular, will be responsible for control and supervision of the exercise. The Project Manager will report to the Senior Programme Manager on the assessment related matters in order to ensure effective coordination, coherence and independence of the function.
The tandem[1] will be assigned a leading facilitator responsible for conducting the exercise, quality control and all delivery of all assessment products stated above. He/she will be communicating with and reporting directly to JPLG ILO focal person.
The final report will have to be presented to the Stakeholder Consultative Forum and the JPLG Technical Working Group. The approval of the final report will be done after the review by the JPLG Technical Working Group.
a) An inception report outlining methodology, tools and suggested itinerary.
b) Draft assessment report
c) Stakeholder Consultative Forum: Presentation of the findings, recommendations and the way forward on the LED Approach in a stakeholder consultative forum
d) Final assessment report (including lessons learnt , best practices and recommendations)
Target Group
Ministries of Interior, Local governments, LED forums, Private sector, communities (beneficiaries), JPLG partner agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNCDF, ILO and UN Habitat).
Geographical Areas
The assessment will be conducted in Somaliland and Puntland, apart from engaging with stakeholders in the capital districts of Hargeisa and Garowe, the consultants will be expected to visit at least 2 other districts outside the capital districts in both locations.
It is expected that the assessment will commence on late January, 2017 and completed over a period of 2 months.
Team Composition and Required Competencies
The assessment team will comprise of a Team Leader/ International Consultant and one LED Advisor/ National Consultant.
  1. Team Leader/ International Consultant
(i) Education
Master’s Degree in economics, social sciences, or development related fields, with the participation in several international training courses, relating to local or/ and economic development, or capacity development
(ii) Experience and Skills
• At least 10 years demonstrated experience in planning, implementation and management of the local development and /or economic development programmes at international level
• Extensive experience in assessment and evaluation of LED intervention and/ or approach at national and international levels.
• 2 to 5 years’ experience in providing high quality technical and advisory support to the governments at federal and local levels in local development policy, strategy and programme development
• Sound understanding of the national and international development policies, strategies and programme, and their implementation issues and challenges, especially in the area of LED
• Exposure to or understanding of the Somalia’s socio-economic and geo-political contexts would be an asset
  1. LED Advisor / National Consultant:
(i) Education
Master’s Degree in economics, social sciences, or development related fields, with the participation in the training courses, relating to the local and /or economic development or capacity development
(ii) Experience and Skills
• At least 7 years’ experience in planning, implementation and management of the local development and/ or economic development programmes
• Experience in assessment and evaluation of development strategies, programmes and projects
• Experience in providing high quality technical and advisory support to the governments at federal and local levels in development policy, strategy and programme development
• Sound understanding of the national and international development policies, strategies and programmes, and their implementation issues and challenges, especially in development areas
• Understanding of the Somalia’s socio-economic and geo-political contexts
Administrative and Logistics Support
The technical experts will be recruited under third part contract terms and conditions. ILO will provide logistic and administration support to the experts in terms of accommodation, local and international transport.
Payments to technical experts: technical experts shall receive their respective consultancy fees upon certification of completed tasks satisfactorily.
The consultancy service agreement will be fixed price (lump-sum) whereby the institution/technical team are expected to cost for the assignment as follows:
i) Professional fees for the duration of the assignment period with expert(s) input commensurate with the assignment tasks and deliverables
ii) Reimbursable costs (Per Diems for field missions, travel costs- land fees, custom duties)
iii) ILO facilitate travel to/from Somalia
[1] A group of two consultants per an exercise icrkҨ+

Technical and financial proposals should be submitted on email to hrsomalia@ilo.org.
Applications later than Sunday 15th January 2017 will not be accepted. com/

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