Duty station: Home country
Deadline for the applications: June 22, 2016
Type of contract: Individual
Contract post level: Short term
Starting date: July 4th 2016 spread to 30th September 2016
Duration: 30 (thirty) days
Deadline for the applications: June 22, 2016
Type of contract: Individual
Contract post level: Short term
Starting date: July 4th 2016 spread to 30th September 2016
Duration: 30 (thirty) days
The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) is a specialized technical office of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), based in Nairobi, Kenya. ICPALD's mandate is to support and harmonize and coordinate policies and strategies for development and utilization of livestock as a resource for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of IGAD. The mission of ICPALD is to provide leadership in the development of animal resources for the region through supporting and empowering eastern Africa regional animal health networks (RAHN) and regional working groups and sub-working groups.
Under this mission, ICPALD and FAO Emergency Centre for transboundary animal diseases (ECTAD) have developed a framework to mainstream livestock in the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development program (CAADP) pillars, in which addressing the impacts of animal diseases is a priority area.
Under this mission, ICPALD and FAO Emergency Centre for transboundary animal diseases (ECTAD) have developed a framework to mainstream livestock in the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development program (CAADP) pillars, in which addressing the impacts of animal diseases is a priority area.
In a bid to address the challenges posed by endemic TADs and zoonoses in the IGAD region, the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) in partnership with IGAD, with financial support from the European Union (EU), is implementing a regional project entitled “Improving animal disease surveillance in support of trade (STDS) in IGAD Member States)". The objective of the STSD project is to reduce the impact of TADs and zoonoses on food security, trade and resilience of livestock farmers. The two expected results of the project include (1) Systems for animal identification, traceability and health certification improved, and (2) Surveillance systems and disease control strategies at national and regional levels improved.
Context and rationale**
Context and rationale**
Member states (MS) in the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region and East Africa Community (EAC) are endowed with large livestock resources that represent the highest proportions in Africa. According to FAO’s 2012 estimate, IGAD possesses 45% of Africa’s cattle, 71.4% of Africa’s camels and 35% of Africa’s small ruminant population. As a result of such enormous resources, livestock supports the livelihood of millions of citizens in the region as they represent main sources of food and income in the region. In general, livestock is considered as a key driver to ensure food security and poverty reduction, and therefore economic growth in the IGAD region is highly dependent on the performance of this sector.
However, the performance of the livestock sector in the region is hampered by numerous challenges that cause hindrance to fully unlock the potential of the sector for improving the livelihood of all value-chain actors. Throughout Africa, the livestock sector is seriously constrained by inadequate public and private sector investments despite its great leverage potential. This situation assumes even greater importance in the IGAD region where livestock production and trade contribute significantly to the national and agricultural GDPs of the Member States. Livestock production in the region is characterized by limited access to crucial inputs and services, high prevalence of diseases, low productivity of indigenous livestock breeds, poor physical infrastructure, limited access to markets and information as well as recurrent natural disasters.
Animal diseases are one of the main constraints that lower the performance of the livestock sector in IGAD region. By reducing the productivity of livestock, diseases significantly lower the quantity and quality of animal products and consequently erode household nutrition, income and food security. In this regard, diseases also contribute to increase vulnerability and weaken resilience of livestock-dependent communities to natural disasters. It is reported that ten out of the fifteen internationally known trans-boundary diseases (TADs) are prevalent in the IGAD region. Furthermore, the region also suffers from a massive burden of endemic as well as emerging zoonotic diseases. Through improving animal disease surveillance and livestock identification and traceability systems, Member States could precisely understand their sanitary status and thus launch harmonized and coordinated disease control and certification programs as well as facilitate free movement of livestock commodities in their quest to enhance intra-regional and export trade of livestock commodities. Livestock identification and traceability system (LITS) is a tool used for the management of herd/flocks, animal health and food safety and could be used for this purpose.
In order to realize practical changes in the livestock sector; however, the regional networks such as EAREN, EARLN and CVOs (Regional Animal Health Network - RAHN) need to be adequately engaged in development programmes. Furthermore, they should have access to new technologies and knowledge in order to modernize and improve disease surveillance and control. Other important sub-networks and sub-groups have been established to work hand-in-hand with RAHN.
In this regard, ICPALD, through the STSD project, plans to develop visibility and communication materials that will primarily focus on coordination, networking and information sharing that are the main functions of the CVOs network, EAREN and EARLN network. These visibility and communication materials will be closely linked to the importance of disease surveillance, prevention and control; and must clearly show the difference from the previous awareness creation on LITS and disease reporting. The campaign will involve dissemination of information through radios, posters, brochures, public gatherings, etc. It is believed that these approaches will be instrumental to strengthen networking, information sharing and coordination between the established regional RAHN as well as bringing about the desired attitude change among stakeholders engaged in livestock development and other value-chain activities.
In this regard, ICPALD, through the STSD project, plans to develop visibility and communication materials that will primarily focus on coordination, networking and information sharing that are the main functions of the CVOs network, EAREN and EARLN network. These visibility and communication materials will be closely linked to the importance of disease surveillance, prevention and control; and must clearly show the difference from the previous awareness creation on LITS and disease reporting. The campaign will involve dissemination of information through radios, posters, brochures, public gatherings, etc. It is believed that these approaches will be instrumental to strengthen networking, information sharing and coordination between the established regional RAHN as well as bringing about the desired attitude change among stakeholders engaged in livestock development and other value-chain activities.
For this purpose, ICPALD is seeking the services of an experienced communication consultant who will spearhead development of the visibility and communication for RAHN activities in the IGAD and EAC regions.
The objectives of the consultancy work include to:
- Design visibility and communication materials on how information sharing, networking and coordination are important to improving disease surveillance, prevention and control; and information management;
- Develop visibility and communication materials on the importance of regional networking, harmonized policies and approaches; and coordination;
- Carry out field testing/collect feedback and modification of the sample materials developed where necessary;ake a full presentation before RAHN meeting of the IGAD and EAC MS;
- Provide other technical support during implementation of visibility and communication creation activities
Methodology and approach
The consultancy will be required to outline the indicative approach and methodology that, shall later on, be followed by providing a clearly elaborate outline of the approach in response to the TORs.
Expected Outputs and deliverables
The expected outputs of the assignment will be effective visibility and communication materials are developed for visibility and communication materials as well as improved knowledge;
- In order to achieve this task, the consultant will have the following responsibilities:
- An inception report including the methodology and work plan will be presented, discussed and approved;
- Prepare/develop or propose specific products and specifications for the needed effective visibility and communication materials required for awareness creation targeting different stakeholders; and relevant to the regional networking, coordination and information sharing;
- Prepare draft communication strategy for the RAHN;
- Provide other technical support related to the visibility and awareness creation activities;
- Present the draft visibility and communication materials on the importance of regional networking, information sharing and coordination;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the visibility and communication materials developed;
- Lead sensitization of networks and sub-networks in the region, including other stakeholder and grassroots on the importance of networking, coordination and information sharing;
- Production of visibility and communication materials, including radio messages, posters, brochures, etc;
- Submit a final comprehensive consultancy report on the developed visibility and communication materials and activities.
Duration and conditions of consultancy
- The total duration of the consultancy will be one (1) month, starting from 4th July 2016.
- The consultant will be expected to prepare his or her own methodology for development of visibility and communication materials within the assignment and prepare a proposed time table of activities for discussion and approval by ICPALD prior to undertaking the assignment.
- The consultants will be paid a lump-sum fee of USD 6,000. DSA and air tickets for travelling to member states will be covered as per an agreed work plan during the inception.
- Payment of fees is based on execution and subject to clearance by the Director of ICPALD and the Head of Livestock and Fisheries in ICPALD.
Qualification and experience
Required qualification:
The consultant should possess a degree with relevant experience or post graduate degree in communication.
Work experience:
- At least 10 years of experience in the livestock sector in Africa, especially in IGAD or EAC region;
- Strong background in the development and implementation of livestock development communication strategies is highly desirable;
- At least five years of international experience in developing and implementing livestock development communication strategies;
- Experience in policies that impact the livestock sector in Africa and IGAD region;
- Experience in developing visibility and communication materials and organizing awareness creations events:
- Previous experience in undertaking communication consultancies in Africa;
- Good report writing skills.
Duty station
- The consultant will be based at his home country with frequent travel to an agreed number of IGAD and EAC MS.
- The consultant will organize meetings with the coordinators of CVOs, EAREN and EARLN networks and sub networks and may also travel, when necessary.
Please submit your application letter, together with a detailed CV, including three references latest 22 June 2016 to the
**Director of ICPALD,
1st Floor, Jadala Place,
Ngong Lane, Off Ngong Road, Kilimani,
P.O Box 47824 -00100 Nairobi, Kenya **
1st Floor, Jadala Place,
Ngong Lane, Off Ngong Road, Kilimani,
P.O Box 47824 -00100 Nairobi, Kenya **
or via email to
copied to
... indicating in the subject line "Consultancy for development of visibility and communication materials – STSD Project".
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.