BICC is an independent, non-profit organization that has been dealing with a wide range of global issues in the field of peace and conflict research for more than 20 years. BICC stands for critical, problem-oriented, policy relevant research and conducts also advisory and capacity development projects on behalf of government and civil society partners, international development agencies and scientific foundations.
Important topics in BICC’s interdisciplinary work are disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of former combatants, security sector reform (SSR) as well as small arms and light weapons (SALW) control in post-conflict settings.
In this area of work, BICC is looking for a
Technical Advisor on DDR/SSR in Juba, South Sudan
Full time / TV-L 13, during secondment plus overseas allowance / for 16 months / as of 1 September 2016
As part of the BICC advisory team, the Technical Advisor will provide technical and policy advice to the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) as well as other implementing institutions of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS). The focus of the advisory activities will be on cantonment, disarmament, demobilization, reintegration, and security sector transformation. CTSAMM directly reports to the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) on the progress of the implementation of the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements. BICC’s advisory project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Key Responsibilities and Tasks:
§ Provide technical support and guidance to CTSAMM in DDR/SSR-related matters
§ Provide policy advice to CTSAMM and other implementing institutions of ARCSS in the field of DDR and security sector transformation
§ Organize workshops, high-level events and donor co-ordination meetings in close coordination with other project team members
§ Liaise and co-ordinate project activities with international partners, other national institutions (including implementing institutions of the ARCSS), representatives of the Transitional Government of National Unity, members of the security sector as well as with the German embassy in Juba
§ Produce assessment reports on SSR matters in close collaboration with the project team and consultants hired through the project
§ Coordinate all tasks with the BICC advisory team and report to the project management in Bonn (Germany) on project progress
Professional Qualifications:
§ Advanced university degree in Social Sciences or related fields, preferably with a focus on peace and conflict studies, security studies or development co-operation
§ In-depth knowledge of DDR and SSR concepts and practices
§ Relevant work experience related to the aforementioned topics, e.g. in international organizations, in research, or as a consultant, preferably in a field context (work experience in South Sudan is a great asset)
§ Demonstrated experience in institutional capacity building (desirable)
§ Proven project management expertise; excellent organizational skills
§ Ability to work in a team; cultural and context sensitivity
§ Excellent presentation, communication and writing skills
§ Language skills including excellent spoken and written English, German language skills are desirable
§ Fitness for service in tropical countries
What we offer:
We offer a fixed-term contract of 16 months, full time, starting 1 September 2016. Payment follows the collective wage agreement for the public service of the Länder (TV-L), wage group 13 and includes social benefits customary at BICC plus an overseas allowance during the period of secondment. The deployment is scheduled to begin in October 2016 after an inception period at BICC in Bonn.
We put great emphasis on the further training of our staff and offer candidates the chance to work in an international research institute at the nexus of research and policy advice that provides the interdisciplinary team with opportunities to network with policymakers and in the international academic context. The BICC team is recruited from a variety of countries; the working language is English.
BICC supports the work-life balance of its staff through a highly flexible work time system and is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications by severely disabled persons.
How to apply:
Please send your application to Mrs. Susanna Balkenhol ( solely by email by 30 June 2016. It should include a cover letter, CV and certificates, as well as the names and addresses (including email) of two possible references and consist of one pdf, max. 5 MB.
Mrs Balkenhol will also be available for questions. Please use the Europass CV ( and indicate “10.16” in the reference line.
Date of publication: 9 June
**bicc ** Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn \ Bonn International Center for Conversion GmbH
Pfarrer-Byns-Straße 1, 53121 Bonn, Germany, +49 (0)228 911 96-0, Fax -22,,
Pfarrer-Byns-Straße 1, 53121 Bonn, Germany, +49 (0)228 911 96-0, Fax -22,,