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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Baseline and Gender Analysis for Study for 'Enhancing Woman Empowerment in Mundri County’.

by Unknown  |  at  7:06 PM

Terms of Reference (TOR)
Baseline and Gender Analysis for Study for 'Enhancing Woman Empowerment in Mundri County’.
SCIAF Code: SUD-101
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) and the Mundri Relief and Development Association (MRDA) have been in partnership since 2009 working on women’s empowerment project in Mundri West County, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan. The current project will run from 1st April 2015 to 21st March 2017 and is focusing on a six pillar approach to Gender Based Violence.
In order to assess the current situation in the project area and validate the project design, it’s planned to conduct a baseline study which will involve a gender analysis and a market analysis. This Terms of Reference sets out our basic expectations for the baseline, and will provide a guide for the recruitment and management of a consultant to design, lead and report upon the baseline.
1.1 Organizational Background
Mundri Relief and Development Association (MRDA) was established in 1991, as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working in Mundri West, Mundri East and Mvolo counties in Western Equatoria State. MRDA works on Primary Healthcare, Civic Education, Rural Livelihoods, Women’s Empowerment and Education
The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) was established in 1965 and is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland and part of the global Caritas family. SCIAF challenges injustice by strengthening poor and oppressed people and by stimulating the Scottish public to share in our common struggle for human dignity. SCIAF works in over 15 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, to help some of the poorest people in the world.
2)Description of the Project
The programme has the following objectives and stakeholders:
2.1 Outcome
Improve the physical, emotional, legal and livelihoods support to survivors of Gender Based Violence in Mundri, Western Equatoria, South Suda
2.2 Outputs
  1. Awareness about GBV and human rights is increased.
  2. GBV survivors are supported emotionally to regain their confidence
  3. GBV survivors are enabled to access medical services, shelter and legal redress.
  4. GBV survivors can contribute financially to the household
2.3 Key Stakeholders
Survivors of GBV, local communities, schools, teachers, local government, other NGOs and CSOs
3 Baseline Study Objectives:
a) Review of existing secondary data sources available in South Sudan and the project area e.g. GBV Cluster group
b) A comprehensive Literature Review of gender based violence and gender issues including structural constraints such a policy and law in South Sudan and the project area
c) Analysis of the impact of previous MRDA projects on GBV and gender issues in the project area.
d) Key learnings and recommendations from previous MRDA projects to feed into new project design.
e) A full gender analysis in the project area including who does what and why, who has power, who owns what, who controls what, who is entitled to what, who decides and who gets what? who gains and who loses.
f) A market analysis of the local markets to review gaps in trades/skills and estimate appropriate business loans suitable for the project area
g) Recommendations for livelihood opportunities in the area e.g. cooperatives, agriculture etc
4 Consultant Evaluation Criteria
A consultant with relevant and demonstrable experience in the following areas will be selected:
i. Qualification in International Development/Social Science or similar
ii. Qualification/training in survey design and/or statistics
iii. Extensive experience in programme design and evaluation (min 5 years)
iv. Experience of designing, leading and analysing gender analysis
v. Experience of designing, leading and analysing market analysis
vi. Work experience in participatory approach. Partnership and M&E
vii. Experience with gender based violence in similar contexts of conflict and recovery situation in Africa.
viii. Familiarity and sensitivity with socio-political environment of South Sudan or other similar context
ix. Fluency in English (spoken and written)
Along with the need to meet the above experience criteria, the consultant will be selected according to the following criteria:
1) Consultant expertise/CV (40%)
2) Technical Proposal (40%)
3) Financial Proposal (20%)
5.Budget:Total Budget for baseline study is £4,915 (US $8,000)
It’s expected the consultant will recommend an approach with a mix of quantitative and qualitative participatory tools but with emphasis qualitative aspect. It’s expected the consultant will be explicit on prior frameworks used and experience.
6.2 Process
It is expected that there will be a number of phases to the baseline process which include (in brief):
Phase one: Orientation and design
  • This phase will involve initial review of documents and presentation of an inception report. The inception report should include an elaborated plan, methodology, draft data analysis instruments and sampling strategy of the field survey (See Annex B for suggested template)
  • Literature Review;
  • Selection of enumerators (drawn from partner organisation’s staff or within the local area) and their training with methodologies;
  • Initial field work to pilot/test tools;
  • Finalisation of methodology/tools and operational plan.
Phase two: Data collection
  • The main activity of this phase will be the actual data collection in line with the agreed plan, methodology, and sampling strategy from phase one.
Phase three: Data analysis and reporting
  • Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data;
  • Drafting report, receiving comments, finalizing report;
Phase four:
  • Sharing findings with SCIAF and MRDA;
6.3 Documents to Read
The following documents will be provided to the consultant for background information:
  • Approved Logframe
  • Approved Project Proposal
  • MRDA Gender Analysis for Mvolo 6.4 Suggested People and groups to meet/interview
  • § County Authorities
  • § Community Leaders
  • § Religious leaders
  • § Paralegals trained by the project
  • § Project beneficiaries,
7.Indicative Timing of Reports and Deadlines
› Award of contract
› Desk Review (1 week)
› Inception Report (1 week)
› Field Work (1 week) (this may be extended to allow for travel to and from the project area)
› Draft Report (2 week)
› Review of Draft Report (6 days)
› Final Report (1 week)
› Submit Final Report
8.Key Deliverables should include:
ü A desk review of project information including the key documents listed in these terms of reference.
ü Following the desk review the consultant should prepare an Inception Report outlining the consultant’s further information requirements, understanding of the baseline objectives, proposed methodology, challenges, proposed itinerary, suggested stakeholders, support/assistance required and referencing documents reviewed. See Annex Afor suggested format of the report
ü Present a preliminary overview of findings to the project team in-country and receive comments from stakeholders before preparing the draft report.
ü Submit draft report to the project team for written comment before finalising the report, to minimise the chance of inaccuracies and to maximise ownership of the findings.
ü Final report covering all areas identified in the TOR (approx 30 pages excluding appendices) annexing inception report with desk review, preliminary overview of findings and comments; digital copies of all data sets and completed questionnaires. See Annex A for suggested content and format of the report.

Please send us your CV, sample of previous relevant best work, financial proposal, and technical proposal to mrdaexec@gmail.com with a CC to maykalume@yahoo.com no later than 23:59 (GMT) 28/09/2015

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