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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Consultant for External Project Evaluation

by Unknown  |  at  4:05 AM

Terms of Reference - External Evaluation of the Project:
Enhancement of resilience capacity of agro/pastoral communities in Shinile Zone, Ethiopia
Project Area: Erer Woreda of Shinile Zone of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia
Date of Assignment:December 2015/ January 2016


The intervention seeks to expand a new approach tested in a pilot project in 2012, and will initiate 9 new Pastoral Field Schools – in addition to the 2 set up in the pilot phase - with the purpose to build the livelihood skills of agro-pastoral communities in Shinile Zone of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia. Ultimately, HORIZONT3000 expects that the intervention will increase the resilience of target communities to disaster risks and that the Action will make a valuable contribution to sustainable development in the target area on the mid- to long-term. The intervention has started on 1st of May 2013 and will be finished on 31st of December 2015.
Project Objective:
The overall objectiveof the action is to contribute to enhancement of sustainable socio economic development and betterment of the living standard of the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Shinile Zone of Somali Regional State .The specific objective of the action is the improvement of capacities of pastoral/agro-pastoral communities in Erer Woreda of Shinile Zone to increase their resilience to disaster risks through promoting Pastoral Field Schools.
On the individual level community members will benefit from the Pastoralist Field Schools programme in that they will be empowered to improve their living conditions. These activities are covered partly under Result 1/ Participants in 11 selected pastoral/agro-pastoral areas apply new approaches and technologies, and mainly under R2/ Pastoralists/agro-pastoralists are empowered with knowledge and skills to make them experts in their own context.
On the institutional level the intervention design envisages building know-how on the PFS approach in the local partner institution and their collaboration structures. The approach is still quite new to them and support is needed to make them effectively implement, monitor, evaluate and document the implementation of the intervention. These measures are covered by Intervention R1/ Participants in 11 selected pastoral/agro-pastoral areas apply new approaches and technologies and R4/ PFS methodology adopted in social development programs of the project partner.
On the level of society the intervention means to contribute to sustainable change and transformation processes in the agro/pastoralist society through the enhancement of informal, experimental and participatory education. Intervention Results 1, 2 and 3 cover these activities: R1./ Participants in 11 selected pastoral/agro-pastoral areas apply new approaches and technologies; R2./ Pastoralists/agro-pastoralists are empowered with knowledge and skills to make them experts in their own context; R3/ Participant agro/pastoralist communities sustain the PFS practices.

Objective of the Evaluation

The general objective of the evaluation is to assess the completion and achievements of the project activities, the relevance (significance), effectiveness and sustainability of the project intervention. The evaluation will provide a well-founded, comprehensive and concretely argued document in order to decide on future development interventions in Shinile Zone in Somali Regional State in Ethiopia. The recipients of the evaluation are the donor institutions, HORIZONT3000 and the implementing partner organization.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are to provide information/answers on the following points:
  • Did the implementing partner organization achieve the main goalas well as the project goal with the measures taken?
  • Did the implementing partner organization reach2,580 persons in 430pastoralist/agro-pastoralist households and to what extent did they benefit?
  • What are the lessons learnt and the specific recommendations for future interventions in integrated community development programs in the specific project area?
  • Is the development model used by the implementing partner organization a suitable one to be replicated and implemented by other development actors in other geographic areas?
  • What can and should be the future role ofthe implementing partner organization in the field of Integrated Community development?

Evaluation Report

  • The report shall present findings on the evaluation objectives.
  • It shall summarize the findings of the evaluation in the light of the criteria (document with detailed criteria available upon request)
  • It shall be clear and concise, limiting itself to essential points (maximum 30 pages)
  • Detailed materials shall be attached as appendix.
  • The report – and executive summary, if defined to differ – shall be written in the English language.
  • The report shall be drawn up using Microsoft Word software and submitted electronically.
  • The report shall be drawn up using Microsoft Word software and submitted electronically.

The Evaluator

The Evaluator should be well qualified with demonstrated experience in evaluation of development projects and programmes. He should be fluent in English, whereas knowledge of Oromo is an asset. His/her qualifications will be reflected in the CV. The Evaluator will be responsible to come up with an appropriate methodology for the evaluation. The Evaluator will be in charge of the entire evaluation process and will provide HORIZONT3000 with a final evaluation report on time.


The evaluation will start in December 2015/ January 2016. The whole assignment should be concluded by 15th December 2015. The assignments will comprise a total of about 14 working days.
The assignments will comprise a total of about 14 working days and could be divided as follows:
  • Preparation (Document review, Develop evaluation tools) -3 days
  • Field Visit (Interviews and meetings with project partner, stakeholders and target group) -7 days
  • Report writing (including discussion of draft and final version) -4day
The Evaluator will develop, discuss and agree on the evaluation programme with the implementing organization before commencement of the assignment. The final evaluation programme will be shared with HORIZONT3000.

To be done by the implementing partner organization

  • Provide all relevant project information as requested by the evaluator.
  • Support in organising transport incl. arrival to / departure from the project area and accommodation for the evaluation team in the project area (on request by the evaluators).
  • Prepare meetings between the evaluation team, the beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
  • Make available all project staff including staff members who are not on the payroll of the project but fulfil important tasks on behalf of the project.
  • General assistance and transport during the field trips

The interested consultant is requested to submit a technical proposal including a description of envisaged methodology, timetable and cost breakdown, as well as a CV and an outline of previous similar assignments. Teams will be preferred (ideally consisting of both male and female members).
The fee should be indicated in Euro (lump sum) inclusive of all costs relating to the assignment like consultant fees, travel, insurance, accommodation, food and taxes. The only costs which will be paid outside the assignment are transport for field visits and logistics for meetings
The application should be sent via email to agnes.hauser@horizont3000.at by 5th of October

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