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Monday, November 10, 2014

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

by Unknown  |  at  10:19 AM

PositionMonitoring and Evaluation OfficerPlace of Performance Garowe, Puntland/Hargeisa, SomalilandContract Duration 6 monthsStarting Date ASAP
CTG Global is a managed service company specializing in Recruitment, Management Consultancy, Human Resources support services and Monitoring & Evaluation in post disaster and post conflict countries around the world.
CTG Global provides services to humanitarian organizations, government, non-governmental organizations and corporates that enables public and private sectors to focus on their core business and the achievement of their objectives in hostile and threatening environments as we provide a safe and secure environment for them to do so and alleviate them of their risks, crisis and personnel management problems.
The assignment requires the presence of a team of two monitors each for Puntland and Somaliland, to undertake Programme monitoring and HACT spot-checks of each of our clients’ partners as per UNDP’s Risk Assurance requirements.
Objective and Purpose
(1) Undertake at least 1 TPM visit (per implementing partner, per quarter, with approximately 45 partners across Somaliland and Puntland) in Somaliland and Puntland.
(2) Monitor, review, verify and assess the progress of the implementation of commitments by partners under the agreements with UNDP
(3) Verify activities as reported by implementing partner in the previous quarter’s reports. Obtain independent information about the quality of achieved outputs. The TPM service provider will employ technically sound guidelines. This contributes to quality through service provider expressing the opinion about the implemented outputs, which is shared with UNDP Somalia and other stakeholders.
(4) Under financial and operational spot-checks as per HACT guidelines.
(5) TPM will determine the projects performance. Government and community participation and will validate the information on project monitoring activities as per signed agreements.
(5) Independent information on the progress of the implementation of the agreements and effectiveness of the funded intervention during its implementation, including from local traditional leaders, women, youth and direct beneficiaries.
For HACT spot-checks:
(6) An agreed-upon procedures attest engagement involves engagement of a third party service provider to prepare a report on factual findings based on specific, agreed-upon procedures performed. As the third party service provider is engaged to report on findings of the agreed-upon procedures, no assurance is expressed. Instead, users of the report assess for themselves the procedures and findings reported by the service provider and draw their own conclusions. The report is restricted to parties that have agreed to the procedures to be performed, since others, unaware of the reasons for the procedures, may misinterpret the results.
Methodological Framework
*1.1Basic Principles*
In its approach, the selected TPM service provider will be closely guided by our clients Monitoring guidelines, which coordinates the implementation of the UNRC Risk Management Unit.
*1.2Third Party Monitoring Scope*
Our client TPM approach consists of the following key four components: prioritization and planning, desk review, field visits, analysis/feedback.
(1) Desk review and visit planning:
During TPM planning the service provider will closely engage with our client. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of project documentation, available prior to the TPM visit will be conducted by the service provider and will include, among others:
a. Project document;
b. Narrative and financial reports (interim and final);
c. Monitoring reports (from previous visits);
d. Baseline and needs assessment information;
e. Work plan and any progress reports submitted during the year;
f. A list of the IP’s individual transactions (i.e., accounting records), including a summary of the disbursements and documentation submitted during the period selected for assessment; and
g. A list of findings of the IP’s micro assessment, reports of relevant field monitoring visits, available audits reports and other documentation that may help to understand the IP’s internal controls and supported activities.
h. To ensure efficient use of time, the third party service provider should review the information received and provide the IP with a list of requested documents in advance of any site visits. Other relevant monitoring or evaluation information provided by the partner or beneficiaries
i. Any other relevant documentation contained in our clients’ Database or referred to the partner by our clients’ Secretariat.
(2) Field visits:
Programme Monitoring:
Based on project UNDP planning and desk review, the service provider will conduct a number of field visits to project locations in order to perform verification, monitoring and impact evaluation in accordance with the objectives of our clients TPM (see above, Focus and purpose section). During the field visit, the team will collect information in order to:
a. Be able to determine the progress on the contracted activities. Obtain independent information about the quality of achieved outputs from stakeholders and key persons among the community
b. Obtain independent information about the effectiveness and impact of the intervention.
c. Assess the overall delivery of project outputs.
The service provider consult and interview project beneficiaries, key informants in the area, implementing partners’ project and support staff, other aid agencies working in the area, and local authorities as deemed necessary.
Information collection needs to be conducted in accordance with guidelines/pre-existing project documents, LoAs or MCGs on costing and implementation, which the service provider is required to consult before commencing the TPM exercise. Pre-monitoring planning (selection of activities and locations, pre-defined means of verification) will serve as a basis for targeted and sampled monitoring and will require contractor’s close engagement with other entities. The choice of field may also take into account the synergy with other agencies projects and presence of other partners in the area that require monitoring.
The service provider will keep our client updated in real time about the progress of TPM and flag any observations that require immediate attention.
HACT Spotchecks:
Compare documentation obtained describing the IP’s financial management internal controls against the most recent micro assessment from the corresponding programme cycle. Document any changes or inconsistencies.
  1. Inquire of IP management whether there have been any changes to internal controls since the prior micro assessment from the current programme cycle. Document any changes identified, if any.
  2. Obtain a listing of all programme-related expenditures during the XX month period ended (date) for the agreed-upon procedures engagement and perform the following:
  3. Randomly select a sample of expenditures amounting to a certain percentage of total expenditures. (The percentage is to be determined by each agency relative to its needs and requirements.) Provide a detailed listing of expenditures selected as samples.
  4. For each sample selection perform the following procedures:
i. Verify that documentation exists to support the expenditure in accordance with the IP’s rules and procedures and agreements with the agency.
i. Verify that the activity related to the expenditure is in accordance with the work plan.12
ii. Verify that the expenditure has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the IP’s rules and procedures and agreements with the agency.
iii. Verify that the expenditure was reflected on the documentation submitted to the agency.
iv. Verify that the expenditure was reflected in the IP’s accounting records (official book of accounts) and bank statement.
v. Verify that supporting documents are stamped ‘PAID from XXX grant’, indicating which agency funded the transaction.
vi. Verify that the FACE form was submitted consistent with the periodicity-of-disbursement requirement in the HACT framework (two weeks).
  1. Verify the price paid for goods or services against United Nations agreed standard rates (if readily available).
  2. If separate bank accounts are maintained for agency-granted funds, perform the following procedures:
i. Verify that the activity per the bank statements agrees with that reflected in the accounting records. Document any variances noted; and
ii. Confirm that bank reconciliation was completed and the balance has been reconciled to the accounting records. Document any variances noted.
iii. Analysis, report production and feedback:
The service provider will provide UNDP Somalia with immediate monitoring feedback if deemed necessary (programmatic changes, budgetary changes etc.), as well as detailed monitoring feedback in the form of a detailed report, produced by the service provider monitoring team for each project monitored.). In addition to the feedback on the implementation progress of individual projects, the service provider will be expected to share the lessons learned and observations about the UNDP Somalia TPM throughout the period of the exercise, resulting in a final set of recommendations at the end of the contractual period
· The ability to conduct field monitoring visits, including both financial and administrative spot-checks and programme monitoring.
· The existence of well-established networks to facilitate TPM activities in areas of interest to UNDP Somalia. Ideally, the entity should be able to engage experienced team members from the region where the monitoring is to take place;
· Team members should have at least four to five years’ experience in reviewing and monitoring; excellent English writing skills to produce concise, well-justified, technically sound and to-the-point monitoring reports; and Documented experience of carrying out TPM in Somalia.
· The ability to produce technically sound, justified and well-written reports;
· The ability to conduct at least 6 TPM instances per month (note: one monitoring instance implies a visit to one implementing partner in one or more locations of an individual project), as defined by the TPM Operational Plan. The service provider should also demonstrate stand-by capacity if ad hoc visits are required.
· The team lead must have a Masters, whereas the second team member must have at least a Bachelors degree.
Core competences
· Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
· Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
· Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
· Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
Functional Competencies:
· Experience in the research activities (formulation and design methods/tools of data collection for project monitoring/evaluation) including capacity of data entry and analysis.
· Expertise in Capacity building, local governance, poverty reduction and development process in Somalia.
IV. Language requirements:
· Fluent in English and Somali (written and spoken);

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail tocareers@ctgglobal.com with reference to “BHJOB2678_647” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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