Sogerom is a consultancy working with the European Commission (EC) to design, implement and evaluate economic cooperation projects worldwide. We already exchanged in the past in relation with missions to be carried out for the EC under the so-called Framework contracts to which Sogerom is a member of the contracting consorcia authorised to bid.
We have been consulted for a new mission in Gambia. The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to the effective design, implementation and enhancement of the management of The Gambia-EU cooperation for the socio-economic development of the Republic of The Gambia, mainly through the strengthening of the capacity of the NAOSU for the effective and timely implementation of The Gambia-EU cooperation.
For this mission, it is required an expert in Finance & Contract Management (172 working days):
- A minimum of 6 years' experience, in Finance, Contracts, Audit Management and EC financial & contractual procedures (rules and regulations).
-A good knowledge and experience in the procurement process (drafting TORs, launching and evaluated tenders, etc.).
- A proven knowledge and experience of EU funded projects and programmes, and practical acquaintance with capacity development.
- University Master's Degree in a field relevant for this consultancy or, or relevant professional experience of 3 years duration (NB equivalent experience which must be above the general professional experience duration fixed above).
The following areas of expertise should be covered by the expert:
-Proven experience in organisational and systems development.
- Thorough understanding and knowledge of EU aid delivery modalities (concepts and implementation of EDF-funded projects, in particular finance and contracts issues).
- Experiences in developing countries.
The assignment should start at the latest within 15 calendar days after the signature of the contract. The intended commencement date is 19th January 2015. Time spent in the Gambia will be subject to a mobilisations timetable to be approved by the National Authorising Officer and the EU Delegation.
If you are interested, please send us your updated CV before the 3rd December. If you are not available for this mission but have qualified colleagues with the right profile, thanks to forward to us their contact details.
We have been consulted for a new mission in Gambia. The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to the effective design, implementation and enhancement of the management of The Gambia-EU cooperation for the socio-economic development of the Republic of The Gambia, mainly through the strengthening of the capacity of the NAOSU for the effective and timely implementation of The Gambia-EU cooperation.
For this mission, it is required an expert in Finance & Contract Management (172 working days):
- A minimum of 6 years' experience, in Finance, Contracts, Audit Management and EC financial & contractual procedures (rules and regulations).
-A good knowledge and experience in the procurement process (drafting TORs, launching and evaluated tenders, etc.).
- A proven knowledge and experience of EU funded projects and programmes, and practical acquaintance with capacity development.
- University Master's Degree in a field relevant for this consultancy or, or relevant professional experience of 3 years duration (NB equivalent experience which must be above the general professional experience duration fixed above).
The following areas of expertise should be covered by the expert:
-Proven experience in organisational and systems development.
- Thorough understanding and knowledge of EU aid delivery modalities (concepts and implementation of EDF-funded projects, in particular finance and contracts issues).
- Experiences in developing countries.
The assignment should start at the latest within 15 calendar days after the signature of the contract. The intended commencement date is 19th January 2015. Time spent in the Gambia will be subject to a mobilisations timetable to be approved by the National Authorising Officer and the EU Delegation.
If you are interested, please send us your updated CV before the 3rd December. If you are not available for this mission but have qualified colleagues with the right profile, thanks to forward to us their contact details.
To apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to laia.vm