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Friday, November 7, 2014

Violence Against Children Study – Research Coordinator

by Unknown  |  in United Nations - Les Nations Unies at  11:09 PM


Position Title: International Consultant
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Duration: 11 months
Start Date: November 2014
Budget PBA No: Non Grant


Violence against children in all forms, and especially sexual violence, is a growing concern in sub-Saharan Africa. While many initiatives have been undertaken to mitigate the impact of this situation, nationally representative studies remain limited. Evidence to support advocacy, to inform national planning and budget processes; and to monitor impact is very much needed. As reported in a UN Global Study on Violence Against Children, such violence is a profound violation of human rights and has devastating short- and long-term mental and physical health consequences on child development. Though violence against children is preventable, in order to develop and implement effective prevention strategies, timely and more complete data is needed.
For these reasons the Ministry of Health/Rwanda Biomedical Center, UNICEF and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will undertake, in 2015, a Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) (through a Research grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)). This research initiative seeks to provide, for the first time, comparable, national population-based estimates which describe the magnitude and nature of violence experienced by children in Rwanda. This national household survey will be conducted with children and young people, both male and female, between 13 and 24 years of age.
In addition to the national VACS, a qualitative study on violence against children with disabilities will be conducted. Children with disabilities are generally considered at increased risk of experiencing violence. To improve the general understanding of violence in youth in Rwanda, it’s important to conduct a specific qualitative study on violence against children with disabilities, as a group that is at increased risk of violence. This will enable Rwanda to develop a more comprehensive plan to tackle violence in both the general population, as well as amongst high risk groups.
The objectives of the VACS are to: Describe the magnitude of the problem of all forms of violence against children, with a particular focus on sexual violence; Identify potential risk and protective factors for violence against children; Assess the knowledge and utilization of health, legal, welfare, and other services available for victims of violence; Use data to help guide national policies, laws and programs to prevent violence against children; Make recommendations on improving and enhancing interventions to better identify, and prevent violence against children and to ensure access to services for its health-related consequences, etc; and Identify areas for further research. It is anticipated that the Study will inform policy makers, families and communities about the magnitude and effects of violence against children and the most appropriate ways to nurture, care for and protect children.
The Ministry of Health is the lead ministry for the VACS and a steering committee of stakeholders, chaired by the MOH, provides leadership and guidance throughout the process. MOH has the role of coordinating and organizing the study, coordinating all aspects of the survey preparation, implementation and translation to action. For these purposes the Ministry of Health/UNICEF are seeking an experienced Research Coordinator for the lead role of VACS Research Coordinator, to be based at the Ministry of Health/Rwanda Biomedical Center.

Objective of the consultancy

The Violence Against Children Study is an immense national effort that will guide future government actions and programmes for combatting violence against children in Rwanda. Given the scope of the Study (nationally representative) and the required preparatory work, it is essential to bring on-board a specialist for coordination of the various aspects of the Study.
The objective of this consultancy is to ensure effective coordination and communication between all stakeholders of the VACS, provide quality assurance and technical support for all phases of the study process, such as pre-data collection, data collection and finalization of report and dissemination – as well as ensure that the response plan for victims of violence is appropriate and efficient.
The VAC research coordinator will be in charge of all the day-to-day matters and the overall coordination of the VACS, including organizing the tender for the implementation of the study, recruiting field staff, organizing the logistics for the pilot test, organizing the logistics for data collection, coordinating and providing quality assurance for the response services to respondents who meet the criteria for the study response plan, and coordinating the multi-sectoral and collaborative report writing and dissemination process.

Major Tasks, Deliverables & Timeframe

The main tasks/responsibilities of the research coordinator are:
  1. Coordinating communication/meetings:
The consultant will assist with the coordination of communication and meetings between relevant partners for the whole period of the VAC process, this includes:
§ Assist RBC in establishing and identifying members for the VAC technical working group which will oversee the planning, implementation and follow-up of the study. This includes ensuring that the technical working group meets on a regular basis and that they are always well informed about the process and progress.
§ Draft and provide monthly progress update reports to the funding partner, IDRC
§ Draft and provide bi-monthly progress update reports to all stakeholders
§ Ensure adequate engagement with all stakeholders, including local CSOs and CBOs
§ Field and communicate external questions and concerns regarding VACS processes
Timeframe: Ongoing for 11 months
  1. Pre-data collection process:
§ Review and seek review from appropriate CDC staff on all IRB protocols, response plans, and other VACS-related documents and materials
§ Support the IRB submission to the National Health Research Committee, the Rwanda National Ethics Committee and to the National Institute of Statistics
§ Support MoH application for research permit
§ Support MoH and University of Rwanda (School of Public Health) with an open call for applicants for two Phd positions and two Master’s student positions, and support MoH and University of Rwanda with oversight of their work and publications
§ Assist MOH with the tender for the field survey part of the study (sub-contracting), as needed
§ Assist the sub-contractor with the recruitment of interviewers and team leaders for the implementation of the survey
§ Work with Ministry of Health, CDC, and the sub-contractor to plan and execute the VACS training for team leads and interviewers, assist in the development of pre-survey processes including sample design as well as mapping and listing; and assist with organization of logistics for the pilot test and field work
Timeframe: December 2014 – October 2015
  1. Qualitative study on young people living with disabilities:
The consultant will also assist with the coordination of a qualitative study on young people living with disabilities (YLWD) living in institutions.
§ Provide oversight and support to students from University of Rwanda with the design of a qualitative study on violence against YLWD living in institutions, such as the design of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions
§ Provide support in writing the study protocol
§ Facilitate and support the protocol submission to the National Health Research Committee and the Rwanda National Ethics Committee
§ Assist University of Rwanda/MOH/MIGEPROF with oversight and logistics of the implementation of the qualitative data collection
Timeframe: November 2014 – May 2015
  1. Quantitative Data collection process:
§ Assist Ministry of Health and the sub-contractor with logistics related to data collection
§ Assist Ministry of Health and the sub-contractor with oversight of the implementation of data collection and response plan
Timeframe: October – November 2015
  1. Post-quantitative data collection process:
§ Ensure timely and quality feedback to technical working group and CDC Atlanta on the preliminary and final results.
§ Develop plans and procedures for preparing preliminary and final VACS reports
§ Support the multi-sectoral and collaborative report writing and dissemination process
Timeframe: November 2015
The deliverables:
  • Monthly comprehensive progress reports provided electronically to the VACS technical working group, IDRC, CDC Atlanta and UNICEF Headquarters/Regional Office
  • Organize monthly meetings of all relevant stakeholders, and more frequent meetings as needed
  • Delivery and facilitation of training workshops
  • Coordination and implementation of field research / data collection
  • Study report writing and dissemination plan
  • Complete draft VACS report, which should be well-structured, logical and clear
  • A stand-alone summary drawn from the report (approximately 10 pages) for non-technical audiences
  • Action plan for implementing recommendations of the VACS report, with involvement of relevant stakeholders

Stakeholder participation

The Violence Against Children Study and the qualitative study on violence against children with disabilities, is led by a multidisciplinary technical and steering committee comprised of MOH (lead)/RBC, MIGEPROF/NCC, UNICEF, CDC, NISR, NCC, National Police/One Stop Centers, and various NGOs.

Qualifications and requirements

Expected qualifications are as follows:
a. Education: University Master’s Degree or higher in public health or social sciences or other related area
b. Proven coordination and organization skills, in particular experience supporting and coordinating within government agency structure
c. Experience in quantitative and qualitative research
d. Experience in dissemination of key data and findings to non-technical audiences
e. Ability to work under tight deadlines
f. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, highest level of collaboration skills
g. Fluency in written/spoken English
a. Experience working with child protection services/systems
b. Fluency in written/spoken French and Kinyarwanda
c. Experience with Violence Against Children Studies
h. Experience in field survey data collection
i. Experience in quantitative data analysis


This consultancy will be based in Rwanda’s Biomedical Center (RBC) office located in Kigali. The consultant will work under the joint supervision of the Principal Investigator of the Rwandan Violence Against Children Study (Head of Mental Health Division, Ministry of Health/ Rwanda Biomedical Center), the Chief of Social Policy and Research and the Chief of Child Protection, UNICEF Rwanda.

General Terms and Conditions

· The consultant is expected to spend significant amount of her/his time on field travel to monitor data collection/implementation
· Payment will be monthly, based on deliverables and monthly progress reports. Payment will only be made for work endorsed by RBC and approved by UNICEF. UNICEF recourse in case of unsatisfactory performance.

Interested candidates should submit applications by 27th November 2014 to e-mailrwajobs@unicef.orgincluding a cover letter, a Personal History Form (P11), an updated CV.
You may also submit to: Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF Rwanda, P.O. Box 381, Kigali, Rwanda.

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