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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


by Unknown  |  at  1:02 PM


Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is a German NGO founded in 1952 in Germany, and is represented by almost 300 national, regional and local associations throughout the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization has been active in a broad range of social and charitable fields: from outpatient care to child and youth services to international humanitarian and development assistance projects.
Johanniter International Assistance is a department within Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe for development cooperation and humanitarian aid implementing and supporting projects worldwide. It mainly focuses on three areas: primary health care (including nutrition and WASH), disaster response and preparedness, and rehabilitation programmes for people with physical disabilities.
The overall objective of Johanniter in South Sudan is to contribute to the effort of the Republic of South Sudan to reduce mortality and morbidity by improving the health and nutrition status and reducing the vulnerability of people. Furthermore, improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene and improved food security is an essential part of Johanniter’s South Sudan Program.
Currently, Johanniter has projects in Western Equatoria and Western Bahr el Ghazal States of South Sudan on primary health care, nutrition, sanitation as well as food security and livelihood.
For its project in Wau and Raga Counties of Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Johanniter is looking for consultant to do a baseline study. The project summary and expectations from the consultant are summarized below.
The Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Programme in Wau and Raga County, Western Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan aims to prevent malnutrition by using an integrated approach that will improve the agricultural productivity, change the knowledge and practice of mothers and care takers on infant and young child feeding practices and improve the sanitation status of the community through their empowerment. Additionally, the project will endeavor to assist targeted households in having alternative means of income generation so as to enable them access to other food items which are an essential part of nutrition but might not be available at home. For children that are malnourished, the project will work with other actors in the county so that the malnourished will get treatment in health facilities through referral and linkage. This integrated approach is designed based on the internationally recognized conceptual framework of malnutrition and has shown to be successful to reduce the rate of malnutrition.[1]
The project is being implemented jointly by Johanniter and Hope Agency for Relief and Development (HARD) with Johanniter being the lead agency and contracting partner to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Both Johanniter and HARD are operating other projects within the State and have already established strong linkages with local authorities, the community and structures which will further facilitate the implementation of this project. Johanniter will be responsible for the nutrition and sanitation component of the project whereas HARD will manage the food security and livelihood component of the project considering the respective organizations’ technical expertise and experience.
A number of approaches have been employed to ensure that the project interventions reach the most vulnerable segment of the targeted population including people living with disability. Project beneficiaries will receive among others: seeds for staple and vegetable crops, basic farming tools, small livestock (goat, sheep or poultry), training on appropriate agricultural production techniques, recommended Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF) and appropriate house-hold hygiene and sanitation practices.
Target Group
The project implementation area was selected based on a preliminary assessment completed by Johanniter and HARD in Sep 2014 and Jan 2015 in consultation with SMoH, CHD, clusters, and other actors operating in the county. Both assessments revealed the presence of a high malnutrition rate, the presence of other organizations in Wau and Raga County already working on treatment of acute malnutrition and carrying out Food Security and Livelihoods interventions. But there was no organization that was focusing on malnutrition prevention targeting children aged less than two years and Hygiene and sanitation promotion. Therefore, after completing a detailed mapping of who is doing which project in which Payam the project has identified five Payams in the two counties that are targeted for the implementation of all the three components of the project; namely, Bessilia, Kpaile and Baggare in Wau and Uyujuku Payam in Raja County.
For the FSL component, 1-3 bomas per payam will be selected aiming for 5 bomas per county for intervention. For nutrition promotion and sanitation, villages and targeted mothers will be selected from the Payams. In order to create synergies between the different project components, the Bomas selected for FSL and nutrition will be considered for sanitation as well.
Persons with disability belong to the most vulnerable and excluded people. Therefore, the project implementing partners (Johanniter and HARD) will make sure that women, men and children with disability are included in the selection of beneficiaries and the implementation of activities, in order to ensure that they have access to offered services and to address their special needs as much as possible.
The project
The list of outcome indicators is shown in the annex. A summary of the three components of the project is shown below.
Food security and livelihood (FSL) -Under FSL, the project targets a total of 1,800 households as direct beneficiaries (1,000 in Raga and 800 in Wau County) of which 40% will be women. Of the total targeted households, 900 HHs (450 in Raga and 450 in Wau) will also be targeted for additional alternative income generating activities and dietary diversification (goat rearing, poultry keeping and vegetable farming).
Nutrition: The nutrition component will focus on the promotion of infant and young child feeding practices and will target pregnant, lactating mothers and/ or care givers with children less than two years old plus their husband. They will be organized into mother-to-mother discussion groups. One group will have a maximum of 30 members. Over the duration of the project, there will be a total of 160 groups in the two counties that will make a total of 4,800 individuals (2400 in Raga and 2400 in Wau Counties) benefiting from the mother to mother support group discussions on child caring and feeding practices.
Hygiene and Sanitation promotion: community led total sanitation (CLTS) is going to be used as an approach for promotion of hygiene and sanitation. For declaration of ODF (Open Defecation Free), villages will be selected through mapping and community participation. Some of the criteria to be used for selection of villages will be the area where there is rampant open defecation, willingness of the local administration for mobilizing the community, no other WASH program within the village with subsidiary component (like provision of slab or tools). Priority will be given to villages that are selected for FSL and nutrition to have a bigger impact to the community. A total of 25 villages (10 in Raga and 15 in Wau County) are expected to declare ODF. Assuming each of the village has 60 households, about 1,500 households will benefit from this component.
Overall,the project is expected to reach 1,800 HHs (estimated 12,600 individuals) through FSL, 4,800 individuals through nutrition messages and 2,200 HHs (estimated 15,400 individuals) through sanitation improvements that gives a total of 22,700 individuals as direct beneficiary of the project (the calculation of direct beneficiaries assumes that about half of the beneficiary for nutrition will overlap with FSL or sanitation interventions. Similarly, about half of the sanitation beneficiaries might overlap with FSL and nutrition).
Indirect beneficiaries:The communities in the target areas will indirectly benefit from the rejuvenated and intensified crop production; environmental protection; knowledge and skill dissemination from FSL, IYCF and CLTS; and cash injections into their economies as a result of these activities. The local authorities will also benefit as the project contributes to their recovery and reintegration efforts. Business operators will benefit from the growth in economic activities. Indirectly, the whole population of the targeted five Payams in Wau and Raga Counties (68,238) will benefit from the implementation of this project.
This baseline study will support Johanniter and HARD in assessing the levels of food security and livelihood, nutrition and sanitation in the two target counties of Wau and Raja, Western Bahr el Ghazal state. The baseline study in the project target areas will be led by a consultant with the assistance of the respective area project staff. Data collection will be done with help of Johanniter recruited enumerators plus respective project area staff. The team of data collectors will be supervised by the consultant. The purpose of this baseline will be to:
· Provide baseline information, by which project effectiveness and impact can eventually be measured,
· Provide information that will guide activity design and implementation,
· Assist in identifying target beneficiaries,
· Provide data that will be used for project progress monitoring (based on the indicators included in the project proposal).
Objectives of the study:This study entails to carry out a comprehensive baseline survey in the project areas of Kpaile, Besseria and Baggari Payams in Wau County as well as Uyujuku Payam in Raja County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State of South Sudan to generate first-hand information to be used for Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Methodology:both quantitative and qualitative methods will be applied and the consultant is expected to come up with a clear methodology for the survey.
The consultant will be responsible for:
  1. Carrying out a literature review of secondary data including but not limited to IYCF and Nutrition, Sanitation (WASH), Agricultural and Livestock production sector specific plans at South Sudan national and state level, plus lessons learnt from other recent similar / relevant interventions undertaken in the target area by other actors.
  2. The full development of the baseline study methodology, including gender/ cultural / conflict sensitive methodologies.
  3. Development of appropriate data collection tools and techniques
  4. Sharing with Johanniter tools to be used and include feedback
  5. Testing the tools and revise them accordingly before the start of the data collection process.
  6. Training hired enumerators and selected project key staff (Johanniter and HARD) on the use of the tools.
  7. Producing a draft report to be reviewed by the baseline study team.
  8. Presenting findings from the draft report to a panel comprised of Johanniter, HARD and State line ministry staff.
  9. Completing a full report based on the study findings, stipulating clear parameters for measuring results (output and outcome), impact, long lasting change and value for money as per the purpose of the study.
The baseline study is expected to be led by the consultant. Johanniter and HARD will provide technical supervision and logistical support. Project staff of both organizations might be involved during data collection, if the need arises. Johanniter will support the consultant in getting data collectors and will pay them directly.
Expected deliverables:
The following are the key deliverables for the base line process:
· Detailed baseline framework/design and implementation plan agreed with Johanniter Country Office
· Data collection tools
· A sampling framework
· Draft baseline report
· Power point presentation of findings
· Final baseline report
· Raw data in appropriate software (e.g. SPSS)
· Three hard copies of the final report and a soft copy in CD-ROM to Johanniter South Sudan office.
The Baseline is expected to be conducted in September 2015 with preferred start date of 14th of September 2015, with maximum of 4 weeks for completion of all tasks including draft and final report. This will enable the set parameters for measurement to be rolled out within the project before the first crop harvest.
Expertise required:
· Proven experience in the field of Food Security, Nutrition, Project Management, Agricultural Economics or Community Development
· Proven experience in conducting research and qualitative as well as quantitative data collection and analysis
· Previous experience in food security and nutrition assessment and evaluation
· Strong command of the English language. Knowledge of Arabic in data collection will be an added advantage
· Proven skills in data analysis and statistics
· Ability to train, guide and supervise a data collection team
· Ability to work independently
· Commitment to and understanding of internationally recognized values and principles of child protection, gender sensitiveness, do-no-harm principle and working with people with disabilities.
Supervision and management
Johanniter will supervise the process. The consultant is expected to work closely with and interact a lot with Johanniter’s team in Juba and Wau on a regular base. Specifically, the consultant will report to the Project Coordinator.
The consultant might include an assistant to cover the broad technical and geographical field of this baseline study.
Terms and conditions
· Logistics: Johanniter will cover the cost of the consultant’s travel from Juba to Wau at the beginning of the assignment and from Wau to Juba at the end of accomplishing the survey. The consultant will be responsible for accommodation, feeding and other personal daily expenses
· Professional fee: the consultant is expected to provide financial proposal that shows the rate and total cost
· Tax and insurance: The consultant shall be responsible for his/herincome tax and/or insurance during the assignment
· Code of conduct: Because Johanniter’s work is based on deeply held values and principles, it is essential that our commitment to humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all team members. Johanniter’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to. The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of Johanniter’s Code of Conduct.
· A contract will be signed by the consultant upon commencement of the baseline which will detail additional terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.
[1] Synthesis of guiding principles on agriculture programming for nutrition, FAO, 2013

Application required
Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documents up to August 31, 2015 through e-mail to: staff@johanniter.de
All expressions of interest should include:
· Cover letter: A short (maximum one page) letter addressing the baseline criteria
· Technical Proposal (maximum five pages)highlighting: brief explanation about the Consultant/s with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work; profile of the Consultant/s to be involved in undertaking the baseline; understanding of the TOR, proposed methodology, the task to be accomplished as well as draft baseline framework and work plan. Methodology part need to include the number of expected data collectors. Detailed CV of the professional(s) to do the assessment should be annexed to the technical proposal
· Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees, accommodation and living costs (both for the consultant and his/her assistant) transport cost (if international), stationeries, and supplies needed for data collection; costs related to persons that will take part from partners and government officers during baseline process, etc.
· Data collection and data processing costs are included in the account of the Consultant. The Consultant should also use his/her own computer.
Annex: List of Outcome indicators for the project
a. Crop yield increased by 30% from baseline by the end of the project compared to baseline data
b. Increased area of land cultivated by 10% from the baseline
c. Community-based agricultural extension delivery system established and functional to support the targeted households
d. Incomes earned from sale of vegetables and livestock for the households supported to engage in vegetable production and small livestock rearing increased by at least 30%.
e. Household consumption of vegetables, milk and eggs in the households supported increased by 25% compared to baseline data.
f. Exclusive breast feeding rate increased by 25% from baseline
g. Proportion of children aged 6-24 months who get a healthy diet (measured by “minimum meal frequency” and “minimum acceptable diet”) increased by 20% at the end of the project period, compared to the baseline data
h. 25 villages declare ODF by the end of project period

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