The Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation is the Chief Executive of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), and sits on the board of the PRA alongside the Governor (who chairs the PRA), the Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, the Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and other members appointed by the Bank with the approval of HM Treasury.
Under the Bank of England and Financial Services Bill, the new Prudential Regulation Committee (PRC) will additionally include the Bank’s Deputy Governor for Markets and Banking and will make the Chancellor responsible for the appointment of most other members. The Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation will continue to be the Chief Executive of the PRA and will have several of his/her roles, including preparing the prudential regulation strategy and the day to day management of the PRA, written into statute.
The new Deputy Governor will take up post in a time of considerable challenge and uncertainty for the global and domestic economy. The new Deputy Governor will help lead the Bank of England through a time of change, as the Bank’s internal structure undergoes significant transformation. In particular, the new Deputy Governor will have a key role in ensuring that throughout the coming period the PRA maintains and builds on its reputation as a highly credible and effective regulator.
You must demonstrate that you can successfully lead, influence and manage the formation of the PRA, inspiring confidence and credibility both within the PRA, throughout financial markets and in the wider public arena.
You will have substantial experience of working in, or with, the financial sector (for example a central bank, the Bank for International Settlements, a financial regulator or similar financial institution); or will have worked at the most senior level in a major bank or other financial institution (for example a pension fund or insurance company). You will be expected to demonstrate extensive knowledge of financial markets and economics, as well as strong leadership, management and policy skills. You will be a strong communicator, have good interpersonal skills and will be a person of undisputed integrity and standing.
The appointment will commence on or before 1 July 2016.
To download an application pack, please
Alternatively, for a hard copy please or 020 7270 4358 020 7270 4360.
Braille, taped or large print versions available on request.
The closing date for all applications is 5pm on 4 March 2016.
The Bank of England is committed to ensuring it has a truly diverse workforce. All disabled applicants will be guaranteed an interview, provided they meet the minimum criteria for the post, and inform the recruiting manager of their eligibility in their covering letter.