The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) helps people to realize the benefits of their countries’ endowments of oil, gas and minerals. We do this through technical advice, advocacy, applied research, policy analysis, and capacity development. We work with innovative agents of change within government ministries, civil society, the media, legislatures, the private sector, and international institutions to promote accountable and effective governance in the extractive industries. The Natural Resource Governance Institute is the result of a recent merger between the Revenue Watch Institute and the Natural Resource Charter.
The Africa Director is a unique opportunity to cohesively improve natural resource governance across Africa. Reporting to NRGI’s Deputy Director and as the senior-most representative in the region, the position will define strategic engagements and target agents of change. Central to the role will be to oversee the development and execution of country strategies, which include diverse activities from media capacity building to government technical assistance - all aimed at expanding accountability and promoting reform. The person will also design and implement a regional strategy that capitalizes on opportunities for engagement in priority countries while building on the momentum for reform in other important countries as opportunities emerge.
In this leadership position, the Director will have a major role identifying and cultivating partnerships locally, regionally, and internationally. Developing strategic relationships with heads of state, intellectual leaders, international and regional actors, and change makers will ensure NRGI stays on the cutting edge of reform efforts. This will involve providing intellectual leadership and advancing international, national and regional advocacy priorities. The role also involves building, developing and managing a high performing team to progress the work of NRGI in the region.
To download the appointment details for this role including the job description, person specification, and information on how to apply, please and quote ref: 1885.
The deadline for applications is 9am Friday 16th January, 2015.