The NEPAD Climate Change Fund was established in 2014 by the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency with support from the Government of Germany. The Fund offers technical and financial assistance to AU member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and institutions that meet the eligibility criteria and the clearly defined targeted areas of support of the fund.
The target areas are:
- Adaptation of agriculture to climate change
- Biodiversity
- Access and benefit sharing
- Development and implementation support to National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
- Mainstreaming of climate change into the National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIPs)
Its objective is:
- To focus on knowledge and capacity development for better planning, coordination, and implementation of climate change activities.
- Promotion of innovative actions and strategic projects/interventions that serve as models for building sustainable livelihoods, environmental sustainability and climate change adaptation;
The expected results of the fund include but are not limited to:
- Awareness creation and capacity building for African institutions and stakeholders in African Union (AU) Member States
- Development of national, provincial and municipal policies and plans that support efforts at strengthening adaptation and resilience to the effects of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability
- Mainstreaming of climate change into National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIPs) at both national and regional levels
- Knowledge generation on innovative measures and interventions aimed at supporting best practices, development of tool kits in addressing the adverse effects of climate change
The Fund is aligned with AU priority initiatives such as the NEPAD Environment Action Plan and the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP). Overall, the fund aims at strengthening the resilience of African countries to climate change by building national, sub-regional and continental capacity. The current fund will run for an initial period of two years (2014-2015).