Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor:
DFID’s Access to Security and Justice Programme (ASJP) assists the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to implement key aspects of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy and Investment Plan 2011 – 2014 (JSRSIP II), and will continue this assistance under the recently developed JSRSIP III. The programme engages with GoSL Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as non-state actors and focuses on improving access and service delivery of security and justice services nationwide.
As a DFID-GoSL partnership, ASJP ensures that the core principles of both primary stakeholders guide activity planning and implementation. As such, ASJP is a locally-driven programme with a keen focus on value-for-money and sustainability. ASJP’s long-term objective is to provide an exit strategy for DFID with the GoSL taking increasing responsibility for funding and delivering justice and security as core state functions.
ASJP has been designed to align with the JSRSIP II and centres around four key Outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Justice is easily accessible locally;
- Outcome 2:Justice is expedited;
- Outcome 3: Rights and accountability are respected; and
- Outcome 4: Building capacity for accessible and sustainable justice and security
Each of these Outcomes is addressed through six separate but complimentary ASJP Outputs.
Objectives of this Assignment ASJP maintains a rigorous Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system to measure its results and impact. The M&E Advisor has overall responsibility for maintaining and building upon this monitoring framework, to gather data needed to assess progress against the intended goals and benchmarks. ASJP works in close collaboration with the Justice Sector Coordination Office (JSCO), which facilitates the development and implementation of the JSRSIP III, including the collection and analysis of M&E data on JSRSIP III implementation. This involves working with GoSL partners including: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, the Ministry of Justice, and the Judiciary of Sierra Leone. The Programme will further work to assist country-wide, community-based access to justice and dispute resolution, with a particular focus on women and girls and those living in remote communities.
Scope of Work As a DFID-funded programme, ASJP consistently seeks to demonstrate accountability and transparency in its delivery. The programme’s M&E framework is a central feature of this commitment to transparency, documenting the results achieved, challenges encountered, and lessons learned. Moreover, as a learning organisation, ASJP requires timely and accurate data on its performance, both to improve ongoing project strategies and activities and to capture issues and themes of interest to the broader security and justice policy community. The primary task of the M&E Advisor is therefore to ensure that this information is properly collected, collated, analysed, and made available to the appropriate constituencies.
In addition to overseeing the ASJP M&E system, the M&E Advisor will be responsible for assisting the Justice Sector Co-ordination Office (JSCO) to strengthen their cross-sectoral Knowledge Management and Information function. This will involve assisting the JSCO to develop an M&E system that enables effective monitoring of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy and Investment Plan (JRSRIP III), feeding into national-level reporting, and assisting budget requests by sector institutions. The M&E Advisor will also provide targeted assistance and mentoring to MDAs seeking assistance in the development, institutionalisation, and implementation of their own monitoring and evaluation efforts.Tasks
- Lead data collection and analysis to monitor ASJP results, reporting against the approved logical framework and value for money (VfM) metrics developed by ASJP.
- Develop and oversee the process for conducting a final evaluation of ASJP in 2015, taking into consideration the substantial disruption of the Ebola outbreak in terms of both programmatic activity levels and the availability of performance data.
- Manage ASJP reporting to DFID and other stakeholders, ensuring that complete and accurate data is provided by the programme.
- Work with the ASJP grants staff to develop monitoring and evaluation frameworks for individual grantees, and to assess the overall, combined, effectiveness of the grant-making in assisting programmatic activities.
- Provide the ASJP management team with relevant performance data to inform programme design and implementation. Ensure collection and documentation of all programme learning for dissemination to external audiences. Assist the JSCO to continue development and implementation of a results-based M&E system across the Justice Sector, drawing on the extensive work already undertaken by the JSCO including development of the JSRSIP II and JSRSIP III logical framework and indicators. Where appropriate, build management information systems to assist the monitoring of JSRSIP III results.
- Assist JSCO in conducting annual joint reviews of the JSRSIP III involving GoSL, civil society and donor partners at which progress against JSRSIP III milestones and targets will be reported and reviewed.
- Assist JSCO to guide justice sector institutions, both individually and jointly, on using M&E information (both results achieved and future targets) to improve the quality of budget submission to the Ministry of Finance, and hence increase funds allocated to sector prioritiesDeliverables
- Manage and design ASJP M&E Framework and implementation in conformance with DFID priorities.
- Ensure M&E properly integrated into all ASJP interventions and grantee implementation.
- Design and manage the ASJP final evaluation.
- Assist JSCO with design and implementation of sector-wide M&E Framework. Build capacity of JSCO in requisite systems to assume responsibility of maintaining sector-wide M&E Framework.
Authority and Supervision: The M&E Advisor will report to the ASJP Team Leader