An HLP team at NRC HO Oslo (consisting of Shelter, ICLA and HLP Advocacy Advisers) has secured funding to advance joint work within Shelter and ICLA (Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance) programs to increase legal protection against forced evictions for people affected by displacement. The project aims to increase the programmatic capacity to facilitate tenure security and provide more sustainable shelter support for people affected by displacement.
NRC will promote learning in the sector and the development of best practices through this consultancy by documenting and categorizing lessons learned, developing of practical tools and trainings.
This consultancy aims to compile, analyse and structure HLP project documentation especially related to security of tenure in shelter programs.
Compilation of the HLP project material submitted by the field to date and, using the Country Office reports and work already done by previous HLP shelter consultant – all documents to be compiled and presented in a zipped folder structure, listed and explained in a table of content
Analysing of the material submitted by the field highlighting a) the different aspects of HLP intervention, b) the different project modalities, c) the different project contexts and settings, d) the different levels of complexity of the HLP interventions, e) the different nature of the shelter projects and f) the different timeframes of the interventions – to be presented in a comprehensive report
Structuring and categorizing the different Shelter HLP interventions according to its nature (issues addressed/level of complexity) and context (type of crisis and setting) – to be presented as different “Shelter HLP Packages” in a matrix including a brief description and SWOT analysis
Developing a rapid tenure assessment tool (to be defined during the process)
Follow up with Project Managers (via phone, Skype and e-mail) requesting additional information related to operational resources needed for each “Shelter HLP Package” (job descriptions, organizational charts, budgeting requirements, monitoring indicators, concept notes explaining the approach, …)
Please apply using the following link: HLP-Consultant