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Monday, August 17, 2015

African Futures Fellowship 2015

by Unknown  |  at  4:27 PM

The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Josef Korbel School of International Studies invite African students to apply for the African Futures Fellowship. The two-year merit-based scholarship at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver is offered to entering, full-time Master’s degree candidates. The Fellowship prepares students academically and professionally for careers in high-level policy analysis and planning rooted in quantitative analysis.
The African Futures Fellowship will be awarded to one African student who will pursue graduate studies at the Josef Korbel School. In addition to a world-class education in international affairs, students accepted to the Josef Korbel School as African Futures Fellows will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience as research assistants at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures located within the Josef Korbel School, and as paid interns with the ISS from June – August 2016 (during the mid-year break).
Following graduation from the Josef Korbel School, Fellows will spend one year working for the ISS in Pretoria on policy analysis for long-term strategic planning in the African Futures Project. The African Futures project (www.issafrica.org/futures) is a collaboration between the ISS and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures.
About the ISS
The Institute for Security Studies (www.issafrica.org) is an African organisation which aims to enhance human security on the continent. It does independent and authoritative research, provides expert policy analysis and advice, and delivers practical training and technical assistance. The ISS head office is in Pretoria, South Africa. Regional offices are located in Nairobi, Kenya; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and Dakar, Senegal. The vision of the ISS is a peaceful and prosperous Africa for all its people. The mission and overall goal of the ISS is to advance human security in Africa through evidence-based policy advice, technical support and capacity building.
About the Josef Korbel School
The University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies was recently ranked by Foreign Policy Magazine as one of the top schools in the world for the study of International Relations. Located in Denver, Colorado, members of the Josef Korbel School’s faculty are recognised experts in the fields of international development, human rights, security, and international political economy. Students come from 30 different countries. After graduation, they pursue careers in the public, non-government and private sectors. Graduates have in-depth knowledge of country and regional conditions, quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, and understand how to analyse trends in the global economy and the challenges of development.
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures (pardee.du.edu), located within the Josef Korbel School, is a world resource for research, analysis and education in the field of global forecasting and strategic planning. The research conducted at the Pardee Center has supported projects with the European Union, the US National Intelligence Council, the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), the United Nations Development Program, and many other leading policy organisations.
The successful applicant would be expected to apply and complete one of the following Master of Arts degrees:
  • Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration
  • International Security
  • International Studies
  • International Development
Financial assistance
Applicants for the African Futures Fellowship must apply to the ISS and the Josef Korbel School of International Studies (see www.du.edu/korbel), complete the online GRE (www.ets.org/gre) test, and the English language test TOEFL (www.ets.org/toefl). The successful applicant will be considered for one of the Korbel School’s full tuition scholarships. Past academic performance, employment history, recommendations from professors and employers, and professional promise will be evaluated.
Those who are deemed most qualified will be contacted by the Admissions Office and may be asked to provide additional information or be available for an interview. The student will be eligible to receive full financial support from the Josef Korbel School and the ISS for tuition, travel, housing, and basic living expenses. In addition, the ISS will provide two return airline tickets between Denver and Johannesburg. The Josef Korbel School – through the Pardee Center – will provide after-hours employment for students that will be sufficient to fund adequate housing, living expenses, and books as well as provide hands-on experience working with the IFs tool.
To obtain a student visa, the student will be responsible for demonstrating that they have $7,202 USD available to fund any additional living expenses.
The Office of International Student Services of the University of Denver provides information on steps and requirements for obtaining a student visa for international students (www.du.edu/apply/admission/apply/international/sevis.html) as well as the estimated basic living expenses (www.du.edu/apply/admission/apply/international/tuition.html).
Application requirements
Applicants will undergo a two-phase application process. As a first step, applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of motivation as well as a curriculum vitae to the ISS. The ISS will produce a shortlist of suitable candidates who will then receive guidance and support for submitting a full application to the Josef Korbel School.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their materials by 16 September 2015 to Ms Anu Klaassens (aklaassens@issafrica.org), Personal Assistant of the Executive Director of the ISS copying Ms Rekha Valab (pretoriajobs@issafrica.org), Human Resources Practitioner and Prof Jonathan Moyer, Research Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and the Frederick S. Pardee (jmoyer@du.edu). Please contact Ms Anu Klaassens with any other enquiries.
In a second step, shortlisted candidates will be required to submit their materials by 15 January 2016 to Korbel School Admissions (korbeladm@du.edu). Please contact this email account with questions.
Required by 16 September 2015 for application at the ISS:
  • Personal motivation for wanting to pursue the African Futures Fellowship Programme
  • Curriculum vitae
Required by 15 January 2016 for application at the Josef Korbel School:
  • Online application (available at www.du.edu/korbel) and $65 application fee (to be refunded by ISS)
  • 2 letters of recommendation.
  • Personal motivation for wanting to pursue the African Futures Fellowship Programme.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • One official transcript from each undergraduate institution (including English translations where applicable). Send transcripts in an official envelope bearing an official stamp from the Registrar’s Office across the envelope's seal.
  • Online Graduate Record Examination (GRE) exam (www.ets.org/gre).
  • TOEFL exam (www.ets.org/toefl).

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