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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Consultant Engineer - South Central, Somalia

by Unknown  |  at  8:18 PM

Position title: Consultant Engineer (CE) - (Somali Nationals)
Organization unit: ILO Somalia Programme (JPLG).
Contract type: Local Individual Consultancy Agreement
Locations: Baidoa, Jowhar and Beletwein

1. Overview

The UN Joint Programme on Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery is a 5 year Programme of ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF and in its second phase 2013 – 2017. The Programme is aligned to the national development frameworks and UN programming framework UNSAS 2010 – 2015 outcome that local governance contributes to peace and equitable priority service delivery in selected locations.
The overall objective of the JPLG is:
Local governance contributes to peace and equitable priority service delivery in selected locations.
The specific objectives are:
(a) Communities have access to basic services through local government, and
(b) Local governments are open and accountable.
ILO’s focus in the JPLG is on two broad areas:
  1. Support to development and integration of local economic development into district planning and investment process and implementation of interventions to nurture local enterprise and economic development.
  2. Support to policy, institutional, technical and managerial capacity development of the decentralized public works and services delivery while optimizing local resource use and stimulating local employment creation including through partnerships with private sector (including PPP).
Under the JPLG ILO provides policy, institutional, technical and capacity building support to develop requisite capacities in the production and provision of public works in Somalia for decentralised service delivery. Investment in both policy, institutional and systems development as well as in the actual rehabilitation and construction works of basic infrastructure for basic services and to support economic development following years of neglect is a key priority for all three regional administrations as articulated in development plans and strategies. These essentially underpin effective and sustainable the provision of basic services as well as the economic recovery process. These investments provide an opportunity to meet other social objectives such as the promotion of decent employment opportunities and sustainable local enterprises, social protection and fundamental principles and rights at work. ILO support is anchored around optimising these opportunities through policy, institutional and technical interventions to local and central governments and the private sector.
Informed by capacity assessments and sector studies on public works and roads, ILO seeks to build on capacity development initiatives carried out to extend knowledge, skills and competency of the selected senior technical staff drawn from the public sector who hold responsibility of management of public works delivery and for building capacity local governments to undertake their responsibilities for infrastructure and public works delivery.

3. Tasks and deliverables

Overall the Consulting Engineer will provide technical input to the effective programming and implementation of the infrastructure components of ILO Somalia’s Programme projects in Baidoa, Jowhar and Beletwein. The primary task of the CE will be to provide technical capacity building and mentorship to the local administrations, the Local Economic Development Forums and stakeholders including Ministry of Public Work and District Engineers, local service providers, private sector contractors and the collaborating communities to prepare technical and financial plans for future initiatives; appraisal, design and cost interventions; procure and supervise and manage projects, coordinate implementation and reporting of the project progress, provide oversight with regard to technical standards and quality of works, health and safety, appropriate labour policies and practices; and incorporate the elements of employment creation, enterprise development, local economic development, gender equity and environmental protection to the greatest extent possible.
  1. Provide technical support, training and mentorship throughout the project cycle this including technical input to partners during collection of relevant baseline data, feasibility study of the projects and preparation of designs, specifications, bills of quantities (BoQ), work plans and implementation schedules, budget and cash flow projections, procurement, contract supervision and management, technical monitoring and audits against set technical specifications and standards, and management and maintenance of infrastructure assets created.
  2. Train implementing partners and supervisors in systems, procedures and tools used in project cycle management including standard procurement procedures, preparation of required work plans, reports (such as inventory, daily, weekly and monthly narrative and technical reports), maintenance plans as per agreed formats, standards and timing schedules.
  3. Advice partners on all aspects of construction management including labour management, occupational safety and health, inventory management and the safe-keeping and maintenance of tools and equipment procured by the project.
  4. Provide technical input during project implementation ensuring all activities are carried out in accordance with the employment intensive objectives and project documents (such as BoQs, contract documents, standards/specifications and approved budgets).
  5. Prepare interim and final completion project reports (including daily, weekly, monthly and weekly project status), in compliance with agreed standards, in consultation with ILO Technical Advisors.
  6. Certify works and payment certificates ensuring compliance with agreed technical standards and specifications collate technical reports and forward to the ILO Technical Advisors for approval.
  7. Maintain oversight on field office technical reports and adhere to the standard ILO filling system and data/information archival system.
  8. Prepare monthly workplan and monthly progress report and submit to ILO-Technical Advisers and Project Managers.
  9. Target Group
  10. Districts of Baidoa, Jowhar and Belet wein Burao and their respective LED Forums.
  11. Communty monitoring groups of the their repective districts. the wider local communities are the ultimate beneficiaries from the increase in viability of businesses and the employment opportunities for women and youth.
  12. Local construction contractors and their respective engineers.
  13. Management of the Assignment
The Consultant Engineer shall report to the respective Project Managers and ILO – EIIP Technical Advisor, and also have reporting line to Mogadishu Programme Officer and Mogadishu LED officer, who will be the overall technical responsible person for the assignment. During the assignment execution, the Consultant Engineer will maintain work closely with target groups as defined above throughout all phases of the assignment to ensure smooth implementation of the assignment.

6. Deliverables and Timeline

The Consultant Engineer (CE) should prepare and submit the following deliverables;
  1. Technical Reports (daily, weekly, monthly) reflecting progress of the activities for each district projects.
  2. Weekly project narrative status with the pictures (every Thursday).
  3. Technical and narrative payment reports for each projects.
  4. Certification of works and completion of works certificates as the project attains the payment stage the CE prepared with the District Engineer and Implementation partner.
  5. Duration of Assignment: 3 months
  6. Detailed weekly workplans will be prepared and agreed with the EIIP Technical Adviser. The Consulting Engineer will be required to monitor the projects closely and is expected to be in the districts during project implementation on a weekly basis; as well as provide mentoring and technical advisory support and input at distance.

All applications should be sent via email to: hrsomalia@ilo.org with the title reference: "Consultant Engineer, SC" no later than 1700 hrs on 31st August, 2015

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