- Position title: Chief Quality Assurance Officer - ORQR.2
- Grade: PL.3
- Position N°: 50069661
- Reference: ADB/15/153
- Publication date: 09/10/2015
- Closing date: 29/10/2015
Within the Vice Presidency of the Chief Operating Officer (VP/COO) the Results and Quality Assurance Department (ORQR) provides advice and support in the design, preparation and, implementation of operational policy matters, and spearheads the implementation of the Bank’ Agenda on Quality and Results. The department comprises four divisions: Results Reporting; Quality Assurance; Compliance and Safeguards; and Gender and Social Development Monitoring.
The key mandate of the Quality Assurance Division (ORQR.2), as a service unit, consists of supporting the quality and results focus of Bank operations. To this end, it is responsible for (i) setting operational quality standards, (ii) developing / upgrading tools and processes throughout the operational cycles, and (iii) strengthening staff capacities and facilitating operational knowledge sharing and dissemination. The main objective of the position is to develop and disseminate operational knowledge across the Bank, focusing on the effective use of quality assurance tools and results-based management approaches.
Duties and responsibilities
- Staff learning and coaching. Lead the staff development activities undertaken by the division in the area of quality assurance and results-based management including development of curricula and training materials on various aspects of Bank operations, facilitation of workshops and learning events for Bank staff and Management in field offices and HQs, oversight and management of organizational and logistical aspects of staff development activities.
- Task Manager Academy: Take the lead role in the establishment and institutionalization of the Academy as on-line learning facility for Bank operational staff.
- Staff guidelines and operational tools. Contribute to the process of refining and disseminating QaE standards and staff guidelines related to the preparation and management of Bank operations.
- Helpdesk Management. Manage the Bank’s QA site and coordinate help desk initiatives to provide hands-on support to project teams especially in relation to project design and management as well as Bank operational processes.
- Analytic work. Contribute to specialized analytic work produced by the division and knowledge dissemination activities.
- Relationship management. Maintain effective working relationships with staff of Regional and Sector Departments, including Field Offices, to ensure Bank-wide ownership/internalization and effective application of quality assurance tools. Work closely with other departments in charge of staff training and development
- Undertake other duties as assigned by the Manager ORQR.2.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
- A minimum of a Master’s degree in economics, international relations, development studies or related discipline.
- A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience, gained in an operational department as task manager in charge of project preparation and management and/or portfolio performance management.
- Experience as trainer, facilitator or instructor for workshops and learning events; experience with e-learning development preferred.
- Knowledge and practice of operational policies, procedures, and review processes of multilateral development banks, or other development agencies.
- Familiarity with and practical experience of results-based approaches.
- Communicate and write effectively in French or English, with a good working knowledge of the other language;
- Competence in the use of Bank standard software applications (SAP, word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint);
- Strong leadership and coaching skills;
- Ability to work with multidisciplinary teams; proven innovation, creativity and cliente service.
Apply online
To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.
Only applicants who fully meet the Bank's requirements and are being considered for interview will be contacted. Applicants will only be considered if they submit an online application, and attach a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV). The AfDB President reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level. The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply: www.afdb.org/jobs