Title :Communication Consultant - Individual Contractor to support External Communication
Fee : L2 level (lump sum)
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Start date :19th October 2015
Duration : 7 months
Reports to : Chief of Communications, Advocacy and Partnerships
1. Background
UNICEF Rwanda’s Communication, Advocacy & Partnerships (CAP) section supports programme areas through integrated communications comprised of Advocacy & Partnerships, Media Relations, C4D, and Resource Mobilisation. All of which require establishment and maintenance of strategic communications to advance UNICEF’s programmatic goals and vision.
It is imperative to advocate and communicate timely and clearly with our target audience - existing donors, partners, prospective funders and the general population as a means to manage these strategic relationships and raise/maintain increased visibility for the continued provision of support for UNICEF’s work. Therefore, effective documentation is a prerequisite.
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide essential support to engage our partners effectively and manage the development of results-based media and donor materials including multimedia content, (social media, multi-media, publications and human interest stories) and inform the general public, partners and donors.
The individual contractor will also provide professional technical assistance and support for the planning, drafting and implementation of media relations materials including press release, media brief and news articles.
2. Justification
There is increased interest from the donors and media on their supported programmes and on chidlren’s issues. An important component is the management of online media channels, particulary the website and social media. UNICEF as the lead in the One UN Communications Group is another area which needs considerably support and coordination. The current strength of the team has limited capacity and opportunites for online media and development of media materials which needs external professional expertise – an office priority.
In light of this context, UNICEF Rwanda is seeking the services of a Communication Consultant for a period of six months, with a start date of 19 October 2015.
3. Key Responsibilities/Tasks
Ø Increase visibility of donor contribution including materials development for donor reports and donor field missions in communication with partners
§ Human interest stories and article
§ fact sheets;
§ communication materials
Ø Manage, revise and implement of social media strategy and strengthen linkage with other partners and donors through social media channels
Ø Support the development and implementation of prioritized innovation/T4D initiative
Ø Support the organisation of commemorative days and key events of the country office
Ø Co-coordinate the UNCG Communication Strategy and manage the UNCG Secretariat.
Ø Manage the UNICEF website, photo and video database.
Ø Carry out other tasks as needed under the supervision of the Chief of CAP
4. Reporting
The Communication Officer will report directly to the Chief of Communication, Advocacy and Partnerships (CAP). The position is based in Kigali, withtravel (as required) to the programme sites.
5. Qualifications and specialized knowledge/experience required:
- University degree in Communication, Journalism or Public Relations.
- Three years professional work experience in communication, print/broadcast media and online media with some experience in crisis/emergency situations preferable.
- Ability to clearly and concisely express ideas and concepts in written and oral form in English; specific skills in writing articles/stories for traditional and electronic media.
- Knowledge of computer systems, internet and various office applications.
- Proven ability to work as part of a multicultural team and to exercise good judgment under pressure.
- Fluency in English.
- Knowledge of UN and other international organizations; good understanding of world affairs, current events and international development issues.
- Experience on One UN communication and social media strategy and implementation will be an advantage.
6. Expected deliverables
1-2 human interest story/article/post developed every month (total: 7 nos.)Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of Nov.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of Dec.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of Jan 2016.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of Feb 2016.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of March 2016.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of April 2016.
Ø At least 1 nos. by the 18th of May 2016. 4 Photo essays for a programme priority developed. Ø Photo essay 1 by the 18th of Nov.
Ø Photo essay 2 by the 18th of Feb.
Ø Photo essay 3 by the 18th of April.
Ø Photo essay 4 by the 18th of May.Advoacy factsheets for UNICEF Rwanda and its programmes developed. Ø By 15th May 2016 Weekly/Monthly Integrated social media plan and implemented on a daily basis Ø Monthly social media plan to be included as part of monthly reports by 17th of every month. Implement atleast 2 activities as part of the Innovation space/T4D plan. Ø By 30th April 2016 Visibility plan developed for atleast 2 donora (atleast one activity implemented) Ø By 15th May 2016 8-10 meeting minutes and implementation plan produced as part of UNCG coordination. Ø By 10th April 2016 Photo and AV database catalogued and completed on a bi-monthly basis.Ø 1st catalogue report by 15 Jan 2016 Monthly reports providing information of completed assignment and analysis of online and traditional media engagement and outreach Ø End of monthly consultancy period i.e. 15th of every month Final Report Ø End of consultancy contract
4 Payment schedule
Monthly payment will be made upon submission of monthly reports/a deliverable.
5 General conditions: procedures and logistics:
The consultant will be provided a laptop and access to LAN for phot and video database. Desk and workplace will be provided by UNICEF. In case of travel, UNICEF will be responsible for all travel arrangement, all applicable DSA and vehicles upon prior agreement of the field schedule.
For approved in-country field trips, UNICEF will provide transportation and DSA in accordance with relevant rules and procedures (not applicable while in Kigali).
6 Policy both parties should be aware of:
Ø Under the consultancy agreements, a month is defined as 21 working days, and fees are prorated accordingly. Consultants are not paid for weekends or public holidays.
Ø Consultants are not entitled to payment of overtime. All remuneration must be within the contract agreement.
Ø No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant.
Ø No consultant may travel without a signed travel authorisation prior to the commencement of the journey to the duty station.
Ø Consultants will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on UNICEF budget.
Ø Consultants will be required to sign the Health statement for consultants/Individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment.
Ø No consultant may travel without a signed travel authorisation prior to the commencement of the journey to the duty station.
Qualified individuals are requested to submit their cover letter, CV and P11 form (which can be downloaded from: http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc , to Human Resources at:rwajobs@unicef.org by Sunday, October 11th2015, with subject: “Communication Consultant - Individual Contractor to support External Communication-P2 .”
You may also submit to: Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF Rwanda, P.O. Box 381, Kigali, Rwanda.