Background and Justification
United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to improving the quality and availability of girls’ education and contributing to the empowerment of girls and women through transformative education. Established as a designated flagship of Education for All in 2000, UNGEI strives to support governments and the international community to deliver on the gender-related EFA goals and education related international development goals. UNGEI works to achieve its goals through collective advocacy, coordinated action, knowledge sharing and capacity building at the global, regional and country levels. UNICEF is the lead agency for UNGEI, provides strategic leadership and hosts the Secretariat at HQ and Focal Points at the Regional Offices.
In Eastern and Southern Africa, UNICEF Regional Office’s Basic Education and Gender Equality section serves as UNGEI focal point for the region and promotes partnerships at the regional level and support countries to promote partnerships for girls’ education and gender equality in education within the region. UNGEI in the region has developed a workshop for 2015-2016 with key activities including a regional capacity building workshop for countries, development of common advocacy messages, and reaching out to countries to country partnerships, partnerships
At the regional level, ESARO BEGE assisted the establishment of UNGEI Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Partnership group, comprised of Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), UNICEF, Plan International and UNESCO in 2014 and development of a 2015 draft work plan, including the development of communication materials for collective advocacy. At the country level, there are different modalities to promote girls’ education and gender equality in education: some countries have developed national girls’ education strategy, some countries have mainstreamed girls’ education in the overall education sector strategy, and some have established girls’ education partnership groups.
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is central to the mandate of UNICEF and its focus on equity. UNICEF Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2014-2017 specifies how to promote gender equality across all of the organization’s work at the global, regional and country levels, in alignment with the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2014-2017. GAP has four targeted gender priorities, including advancing girls’ secondary education which is also one of the critical actions of the UNICEF ESA Regional Priorities. As part of the strategy to promote the Regional Priorities, UNCEF ESARO Communication section is leading the implementation of the ESA Regional Advocacy Strategy, jointly with the relevant technical sections. On secondary education for girls, ESARO Communication and BEGE are closely working together.
Scope of Work
*1)****Goal and Objective*****:
Under the supervision of the ESARO Education Specialist/UNGEI Regional Focal Point, the consultant will provide technical support to the UNGEI Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Partnership group to implement the key activities of the group’s workplan.
Specifically, the consultant will assist UNGEI ESAR partnership group to:
· Prepare draft common advocacy messages on girls’ education and gender equality in education;
· Review UNGEI partnership at the country level and prepare a synthesis paper on the findings and analysis and recommendations to the countries;
· Support UNGEI HQ for the preparation and implementation of a capacity building workshop on Gender Analysis Tool with ESAR countries, and follow up on actions with the countries.
· Review good practices on girls’ secondary education;
2)Provide details/reference to AWP areas covered:
This assignment is part of the ESARO BEGE Rolling Work Plan 2015-2016, 240R/AO/09/001/005/006,specifically linked to the following deliverables: [Outcome1.5, Deliverable#2] Partnerships: UNGEI regional partnership with a joint work plan for evidence based advocacy and capacity development established.
3)Activities and Tasks. Indicative number of days.
· Develop a detailed work plan, collect information on UNGEI experiences in other regions, and meeting with key partners. 5 days.
- Discuss with key partners the purpose of the assignment, activities and tasks, and expecations.
- Collect and analyse information on other regions’ UNGEI experiences.
- Develop a work plan with methodology and timeframe to undertake all the activities and tasks.
· Prepare draft UNGEI ESAR common advocacy messages in line with global UNGEI policy advocacy agenda. 20 days.
- Review and analyse existing data and information, including but not limited to those that are already prepared by UNGEI and other partners.
- Consult key stakeholders (e.g., UNGEI regional partners)to understand the rational and use of common messages. Common messages will be critical when UNGEI partners work with other partners to develop gender responsive education strategy and plans.
- Prepare draft common messages, share the draft with stakeholders, and finalise them based on feedback.
- Work with stakeholders to finalise the messages.
- This is linked to the UNICEF ESA Regional Advocacy Strategy on Education; therefore, the consultant will also consult and work with UNICEF ESARO Communication section.
· Review of UNGEI partnership at the country level in the region and prepare a synthesis paper. 30 days
- Review the existing information, and identify the missing information and devise a short survey to collect information from the countries.
- Design a tool to collect information from countries. Information to be collected or update include: existence of UNGEI or partnership to promote girls’ education and/or gender equality in education at the country level; participating organisations; key strategies and joint work; results and progresses to date; and lessons learnt.
- Receive information from countries, review and analyse it
- Based on the analysed information, prepare a synthesis paper on UNGEI partnership at the country level, including analysis and recommendations to the countries.
· Capacity building on Gender Analysis tool. 25 days.
- Prepare background documents to assist the UNGEI HQ and ESA regional partnership group to organise a regional workshop to strengthen the capacity of the region’s selected countries to undertake gender responsive education sector analysis and planning based on the UNGEI-GPE gender analysis tool, in close cooperation with UNGEI HQ.
- Produce high quality meeting reports of the workshop.
- Assist countries to develop action plans and follow up with countries on the implementation of the plan.
- Support countries to implement recommendations from the 2014 Gender Analysis Tool application: Malawi and Eritrea.
· Knowledge generation on secondary education for girls. 30 days.
- Review existing key documents and identify evidence-based experiences that have improved girls’ transition from primary to secondary and retention at secondary schools in the region.
- Design a tool to collect key additional information from countries. Information to be collected will be discussed and agreed upon with the supervisor.
- Receive information from countries, review and analyse it
- Prepare a document based on the review to highlight good practices. The document will be used by UNGEI stakeholders to support educational plan development at the country and sub-national levels.
· Review of 2015 results, progress and experiences promoting girls’ education through partnerships at the country level. 10 days.
- Reivew UNICEF ESA Country Offices’ and other key partners’ 2015 annual reports and others.
- Prepare ESAR regional inputs for the annual reports, including the UNGEI 2015 annual report and ESARO BEGE regional annual report and thematic report.
4)****Work relationships****:
The consultant will be supervised by the ESARO BEGE Education Specialist, Gender and Equity, under the overall guidance of the Regional Education Adviser. The consultant will have direct contact with UNGEI partners. The consultant will work closely with other sections, especially Communication in the RO. The consultant will interact with the ESA Country Offices’ Education staff.
(Estimated # of days) Timeline
By the end of Schedule of payment Detailed work plan, based on meeting with UNGEI partners and initial review of experiences in other regions. 5 days 1st week 1 INITIAL draft Common Advocacy messages 10 days 4thweek DRAFT synthesis paper on UNGEI partnership at the country level 20 days 8th week 2 FINAL draft Common Advocacy messages 10 days 10th week 3 FINAL synthesis paper on UNGEI partnership at the country level 10 days 12nd week DRAFT document on girls’ secondary education 20 days 16th 4 FINAL document on girls’ secondary education 10 days 18th 5 Agenda and materials for the regional capacity building workshop on Gender Analysis Tool 15 days 21st Report of the regional capacity building workshop on Gender Analysis Tool 10 days 24th 6 Review of the progress in 2015 on UNICEF work on girls’ education and gender equality 10 days 26th 120
Payment Schedule
Payment will be made upon the satisfactory quality deliverables as scheduled as described in the previous section.
Desired competencies, technical background and experience
- Advanced university degree (Masters as a minimum) in Education, social sciences, and/or international development.
- A minimum of 5 years of experience in education research, analysis and/or providing technical advice to government, civil society organisations, and/or international development organizations in the area of girls’ education and/or gender equality in education
- Basic knowledge of UNGEI is required.
- Experience or at least demonstration of good understanding about result-based monitoring and evaluation is required.
- Experience in report writing, including preparing meeting reports and donor reporting
- Excellent interpersonal and networking skills
- Excellent written and oral communication skills in English required;
- Ability to work independently and respond to feedback in a timely and professional manner
- Excellent organization skills, attention to detail, and ability to contribute to a team
- Experience in ESAR region would be an asset.
Administrative issues
The ESARO BEGE section will provide access to information and country level contacts and will be accessible via email or in person throughout the contract period. Progress meetings will take place virtually or face-to-face at least once every month.
The consultant will be provided with office space, working materials, information resources and appropriate office equipment, including IT services.
The consultant will be expected to provide her/his own laptop. Office space and other equipment will be provided in ESARO as required.
As per UNICEF DFAM policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No advance payment is allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank guarantee, subject to a maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract value in cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies or travel, may be necessary.
The candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s General Terms and Conditions for individual contracts.
UNICEF reserves all copyrights on material, including data analysis, documents, photographs and graphic designs. No data or findings can be published without the permission of UNICEF and any publications arising from the work will be co-authored with UNICEF staff. The use of UNICEF material for any purpose, including repackaging in hard copy or compilation for CD-ROM or any other electronic media, is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. The unauthorized use of the UNICEF name and logo is against international law and is expressly forbidden.
The consultant is expected to produce several reports based on information and feedback to be gathered from partners and Country Offices. There is a risk that responses are very limited and/or slow, which will affect the work of the consultant. In order to manage the risk, the BEGE will send a message when soliciting information and feedback and closely follow up to receive timely response, so that the consultant can deliver all the deliverables in time.
The Gender Analysis Tool is expected to be finalised within 2015; however, there is a risk that the Tool is not finalised as planned and thus the planned workshop might have to be postponed, which will affect the work of the consultant. In addition, the current plan to mobilise financial resources to organize the workshop is not confirmed yet and there is a risk that the identified donor decide not to support the workshop. ESARO BEGE will continue working with UNGEI HQ, supporting ways to finalise the report within 2015, and assist in the resource mobilization plan.
Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications (a cover letter, CV, and signed P11 form which can be downloaded at, quoting an all-inclusive fee/ rate (fee, travel and living expenses) and the consultancy referenceESARO/SSA/BEGE/2015-031 on or before 12-Oct-15 to:
The Human Resources Manager
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address:
Applications submitted without an all-inclusive fee/ rate (fee, travel and living expenses) will not be considered. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.