The MENTOR Initiative (MENTOR) is a “not for profit”, charitable, non-governmental organisation devoted to reducing death and suffering from malaria in humanitarian crises. The MENTOR Initiative is currently providing ongoing emergency support to the most vulnerable communities in Liberia, Angola, Kenya, Somalia, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Chad.
The MENTOR Initiative has been present in Angola since 2002, working alongside the National Malaria Control Program to reduce the burden of the disease in Zaire, Huambo and Uige provinces. Since 2011, the Country Program has been managing 3 large Public Sector Malaria Case Management programs mainly oriented towards capacity building; 1 Private Sector Program introducing Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies (ACTs) and Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) in private pharmacies; and in 2013, a new Neglected Tropical Diseases Control program was launched. All five programs are 5 year-programs.
The MENTOR Initiative is managing a critical new programme targeting neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Angola. Focused on mass drug distribution, clinical training and community education, the project will target those oft-forgotten diseases that continue to plague rural communities in Angola. The NTD programme is implemented in 3 rural provinces of Angola: Uige, Huambo and Zaire. The Programme Coordinator will oversee all aspects of the programme implementation in the provinces Huambo and Zaire, and will be supported by a large network of in-country and HQ technical personnel. The Programme Coordinator will be based in Huambo and will travel to Zaire province for the coordination of programme implementation on a needs base. Travels to Luanda for coordination meetings with the Mentor staff and the Ministry of Health, will be occasional. The NTD Programme Coordinator Huambo/Zaire will report to the National NTD Coordinator.
- Masters in Public Health, or a Master of Science with professional experience in public health;
- 5-years relevant professional experience, with a minimum of 3-years managing programmes internationally,
- Experience with NGOs in Africa preferred. Experience in Angola highly preferred.
- Experience in report writing (in English), making presentations, conducting trainings and managing teams are all necessary
- Excellent diplomatic skill and tact- extensive donor and partner liaison will be required
- Experience conducting community health campaigns, including educational campaigns
- Fluency in English and strong Portuguese required.
CV and letter of motivation to