ECSEL Joint Undertaking ( is looking for a dynamic and highly motivated individual to assume responsibility for its Executive Director (ED) function.
ECSEL JU is a €5 billion public-private partnership for research and innovation in 'Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership.’ The Executive Director is the legal representative and the public face of the JU. He/she shall perform his/her tasks with independence and shall be accountable to the Governing Board.
Your responsibilities:
- Manage the JU and its operations including budget implementation, as well as ensure the achievement of its objectives;
- Establish contacts and all the necessary agreements with the stakeholders and members of the JU;
- Prepare and execute the Work Plan and the Annual Budget of the JU;
- Organise and manage the calls for proposals/evaluation process and the subsequent monitoring of projects;
Your skills:
- Excellent knowledge of the industrial landscape and technical challenges;
- High level management experience;
- Capacity to lead a multicultural team (around 30 staff);
- Excellent knowledge of national, inter-governmental and European research and development programmes;
- Either a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies when the normal period of university education is four years or more;
- Or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies;
- At least 15 years postgraduate experience, of these 15 years, 5 years must have been acquired in the domains covered by the activities of the JU;
- Thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of a second of these languages.
Please consult the ECSEL website for the detailed vacancy notice:
The closing date for applications is 24/04/2015 at 12.00 noon