The Bank for International Settlements is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation via wide-ranging banking, economic research and policy coordination activities.
The Bank for International Settlements invites applications for the Alexandre Lamfalussy Senior Research Fellowship. The fellowship is offered for three to nine months to experts in the fields of banking, monetary policy and financial stability.
The Lamfalussy Fellow will conduct research on a topic relevant to the BIS, collaborating with BIS colleagues and making use of the extensive networks and resources available at the Bank. The BIS welcomes applications from distinguished professionals at universities or research institutions with an outstanding publication record and a strong interest in policy-oriented research.
The selected fellow will be offered an attractive monthly honorarium and other benefits, such as accommodation, travel and health insurance.
Applications with a detailed research proposal and the candidate’s CV should be sent no later than 29 February 2016 to
For further information about the fellowship, see