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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Child Protection In Emergency Coordinator - Khartoum

by Unknown  |  at  2:11 AM

About Plan International Sudan:
Plan is an International Child Centered community development Organization with no religious, political or governmental affiliation. Child Sponsorship is the basic foundation of the Organization and Plan is committed to realizing child rights and is obligated to provide children with whom it works a safe and conducive environment.
Plan International –Sudan is seeking a person with a strong sense of integrity and personal commitment to help us further our organization’s mission in Sudan. The role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.
Major Responsibilities:
  • To ensure a more coherent and effective response by mobilizing groups of agencies, organizations and NGOs to respond collaboratively and strategically to child protection issues in Sudan. The sub cluster will strive to increase the profile of child protection issues within the humanitarian agenda and seek to provide more effective support to vulnerable Sudanese children, particularly the displaced and Refugee children and other affected by other emergencies situation.
  • UNICEF and Plan International Sudan have been designated as leads for the Child Protection sub Sector, a relationship defined through a separate Child Protection (CP) Sub-Sector Co-Lead TOR between Plan and UNICEF and between other agencies and partners, and available to the Sub-Sector members.
  • The Sub- Sector Coordinator will work impartially, serving the needs of all members of the Sub- Sector and should work closely with UNICEF,CP Sub-Sector members, the UN Humanitarian/Residence Coordinator and Donors as appropriate.
  • To ensure that the Child Friendly Space(CFS) establishment in participatory process that involved the Community based committees, the relevant government authorities and that includes the development of the entry and exit CFS strategy.
  • To ensure the application of the CFS Minimum Standards in Darfur special operation and the emergency response for South Sudanese Citizens and the emergency response in White Nile and other Plan and non –Plan Operational areas. And that all interventions comply with Plan International- Sudan "Child Protection Policy" and that they are in the best interest of children.
  • Development of the CFS Structure, delivery and operational cost, co-ordination and management process user/actors friendly model guidelines in consultation with the CP Sub- Sector Co-Lead and other CP Sub-Sector members. KEY AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY:
    Generic accountabilities
  • Support the government in emergency response by assuming joint overall responsibility with the UNICEF counterpart for co-ordination of the Child Protection Sub-Sector in co-ordination with the Child Protection Sub-Sector partners in Sudan;
  • Ensure close coordination with other key members of the Child Protection Sub-Sector, including the Ministry of Social Welfare, National and State Councils of Child Welfare, , and other authorities, NGOs, UNICEF ,INNGOs and OCHA;
  • Ensure that needs are identified and that Sub-Sector agreed upon activities address the identified needs, fill gaps and prevent overlap and duplication.
  • Secure commitments from humanitarian actors and donors responding to the emergency.
  • With the UNICEF Coordinator, lead the strategic development of the Child Protection Sub-Sector including development of strategies, work plans, coordination of response activities and taking into account the cross-cutting issues (Gender Equality, Value of Money, Effectiveness and Efficiency of the strategies, plans and response).
  • Ensure that information is shared amongst the Sub-Sector members and between sectors/clusters in order to improve planning, integration and implementation. This includes contributing to regular UNICEF and OCHA situation reports, and taking an active part in OCHA co-ordination meetings.
  • Support the capacity of sub-national clusters and ensure that clear and effective communication occurs between sub-national Sector, Protection and other national cluster.
  • Advocate and fundraise for Child Protection as first wave response and ensure that Child Protection is explicitly included and prioritized in all multi-sector assessments, reports and appeals.
  • Facilitate the joint roll-out and potential contextualisation of the Minimum Standards, as well as policies and guidelines by the CP Sub-Sector members and build their capacity to apply these.
  • Facilitate, work with and UNICEF,the National Council of Child Welfare(NCCW) and other actors in the rolling out the Community Based Child Protection Network Mechanism(CBCPN)
  • Work closely with UNICEF and support the CP Co-Lead in tracking and monitoring of the CP Sub-Sector members fundraising for child protection specific interventions. Ensure that members are aware of funding opportunities and support their capacity to access these.
  • Support sector wide contingency planning including support to the development and application of sector wide emergency preparedness plans and capacity building of sub-Sector members.
  • Work with UNICEF, NCCW and the CP Sub-Sector members and ensured that Protect children are protected from all forms of harm; physical , exploitation and gender-based violence, psycho social distress, from family separation and promote appropriate reunification, abuses related to displacement, denial of children's access to quality education.
  • Support the Sub-Sector lead in maintaining effective communication and information sharing within the sector and among other sectors.
  • Coordinate with the Sub-Sector lead and other sub sector partners in mapping the CP needs, capacities and gaps in service provision is realized and communicated.
  • Support the Sub-Sector lead in developing reporting mechanism and coordinate with Sub-Sector member’s activities progress report for effective monitoring and evaluation.
  • In close coordination with child protection Sub-Sector Lead, coordinate and facilitate training for sector members, local government authorities and other humanitarian actors.
  • Develop CP monitoring and reporting mechanisms on a variety of levels e.g. formal data collection for advocacy, qualitative measures for programs development, information for donor reports, etc.
  • Provide technical guidance and direction for effective locality and state based CP Sub-Sector coordination mechanisms.
  • Provide guidelines for CFS structure, content, activities, delivery and that includes detailed establishment and operational cost estimates.
  • Develop CFS entry/establishment and exit strategy process and that includes the process key steps and which actor is responsible for which step.
  • Develop simple CFS Minimum Standards(with reference to all existing standards, guidelines .. etc)), the guidelines targeted (Child Protection(CP, project coordinator, CFS Animator, CFS Supervisor, Camp/grassroots, CP disaster response Officer, children consultation and participation child friendly guidelines - that may include different steps drawing/audio-visual symbols, etc).
  • Develop CP monitoring and reporting mechanisms on a variety of levels e.g. formal data collection for advocacy, qualitative measures for programs development, information for donor reports, etc.
  • Provide technical guidance and direction for effective locality and state based CP Sub-Sector coordination mechanism.
  • Provide guidelines for CFS structure, content, activities, delivery and that includes detailed establishment and operational cost estimates.
  • Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) on grave violations of children's rights using inter-agency tools and system to manage these cases and to collect and analyse other incidences.
    Committed to safeguarding the psychological and social well-being of children affected by emergencies.
    Strengthen children resilience in emergency actions and recover from the effect of the shock.
Emergency preparedness and response
  • Work closely with UNICEF and support in tracking the developments of the humanitarian situation through collaboration in humanitarian for a particularly inter-cluster coordination and with OCHA.
  • Work with the CP Co-Lead and support on CPiE needs assessments at state level as required.
  • Work with the CP Co-Lead and support on the mapping of CPiE capacity and gaps at national and state level to mobilise an effective CPiE response
  • Work with the CP Co-Lead and support on the development of systematic plan for strengthening coordination structures at a state level including:
  • Continuing the roll-out of CPiE co-ordination training across priority states, including training on the CPMS.
  • Based on these trainings ensure that all relevant states have practical contingency plans and preparedness actions that respond to specific risk scenarios they face.
Key deliverables
• Submit entry and exit strategy for CFS in Sudan content applicable to Plan International Sudan and Child Protection Sub-Sector partners humanitarian operations with more focus on Darfur and White Nile state, this includes a cost estimate for model CFS in Sudan context.
• Submit Child Protection (CP) project coordinator operational and monitoring guidelines.
• Submit CFS Animator deliverable/tasks guideline
• Submit CFS Supervisor deliverable/tasks guideline
• Camp/grassroots Child Protection disaster response Officer.
• Children participation and consultation in CFS establishment and delivery guidelines (this can includes drawing/diagram design that child friendly).
• Work closely with the CP Co-Lead UNICEF Coordinator following and support the Sub-Sector work plan.
• Work closely with the Information Management (IM) and oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the sub-cluster l information management system.
• Work with the CP Co-Lead and support the State Child Protection Focal Points to collect analyze and share information to make informed, evidence-based, strategic decisions on the CP needs of affected populations.
• Work with the CP Co-Lead and support the use of available and accurate data to inform the prioritization of needs and available resources for response, identify gaps, map capacity, report and for advocacy purposes.
• Work with the CP Co-Lead, support and ensured regular response activities monitoring and coordinate the measurement of the impact of CPiE programmes on the lives of vulnerable children and youth affected by acute emergencies; report progress towards the Sub-Sector indicators;
• As the humanitarian and security situation in Darfur and other parts develops, all coordination staff will need to adapt their roles to ensure that the CP sub-Sector fulfils its role. The generic accountabilities listed below are an indicative list of other areas of work that the CP Sub-Sector Coordinator/co-lead may need to assume.
Salary and Benefits:
Plan offers a very competitive salary and benefits package to its employees. The starting salary for this post is Eight Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Two SDG (8592 Eight Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Two SDG) per month. In addition to the salary, Plan offers a generous package of benefit and different allowances including health insurance. Plan also pays additional three months basic salary every year to staff during key festivals "Eid Alfeter, and Eid Adha” and in the month when school starts in Sudan. Plan also provides a number of capacity development opportunities to its employees including Talent Management Program.

The closing date for the applications is 7th December 2015. Please use the title: “Child Protection in Emergency Coordinator” in your application. Please attach your relevant CV, a letter explaining how your skills and experiences meet the requirements of the job, your contact details including phone and emails and contact details (including name, address, email address and phone number) of two referees who know you professionally. Please note that one of the referees must be your current/most recent line manager. The complete application should be submitted to Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) - Labor Office, Khartoum - Sudan

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