The World Service Group is home to the BBC’s international television, radio and digital news services operating in English, French and twenty-six other languages. We reach around 256 million people around the world every week with some of the world’s best and most trusted journalism. Within this, BBC Afrique is a multimedia operation with an extremely varied output focusing on our African audiences across the continent. As a Multimedia Broadcast Journalist based in Dakar, you’ll play a key role in enhancing our multimedia offering and making us the centre of excellence for all things Francophone African within the BBC.
Role Responsibility
Based in our Dakar Bureau, you’ll be involved in all aspects of multimedia journalism including: presenting, writing, translating and adapting material swiftly and accurately into French, in a style suited to radio, television, online and mobile journalism; you will also conduct interviews and reports. As well as originating, researching, producing and presenting items, packages and interviews, you will also provide discussions, complete programmes, background, analysis and features for a range of media formats.
The Ideal Candidate
With French as first (or equivalent) language and an excellent level of spoken and written English, you’ll bring substantial recent and relevant journalistic experience of and about Africa which will also show in your familiarity with our audiences, trends within our marketplace and knowledge of African and international current affairs.
We’re also looking for a journalist with an excellent broadcasting voice and strong presentation skills. Also important will be your knowledge of social media and in particular, how best we can use those channels to treat stories in the most appropriate way. Underpinning all of these skills will be your flexibility, both in ability to work across platforms but also in working shifts to cover our programming requirements.
We don’t focus simply on what we do – we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are very important to us. Please make sure you’ve read about our values and behaviours in the document attached below. You’ll be asked questions relating to them as part of your application for this role.
Package Description
Job title: Multi-Media Broadcast Journalist, BBC Afrique
Contract: 1 x 12 month FTC
Location: Dakar, Senegal