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Friday, October 17, 2014

Review of Status of Monitoring, Control, Surveillance (MCS) Systems in Africa with the Aim of Strengthening National and Regional Capacities

by Unknown  |  in Kenya at  11:49 AM

Consultancy to Conduct Review of Status of Monitoring, Control, Surveillance (MCS) Systems in Africa with the Aim of Strengthening National and Regional Capacities for Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (Re-Publication)


The principal cause of decline of the capture fisheries is attributed largely to prevalence of irresponsible fishing practices in the respective EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zones) of AU member states underpinned by ineffective fisheries management regimes. The fisheries in Africa is characterised by weak monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) system which has become a recipe for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities leading to overfishing problems with resulting loss of revenue and other social benefits. IUU fishing is a global phenomenon having severe environmental and socio-economic impacts. It is estimated that 20% of all catches in the world stem from IUU fishing, jeopardizing stock status and marine biodiversity.
Developing countries pay the highest price for these illegal activities due to weak governance systems, lack of knowledge and capacity to manage their waters and fishing vessels. As a result, coastal developing countries have their marine resources plundered by IUU operators which often come from other countries. Also, in Africa the situation is exacerbated by, ineffective observer programme for monitoring fishing activities of licensed vessels, poor logistics for offshore fisheries surveillance, weak systems for vessel registration and licensing, lack of regional collaboration for the MCS systems. These weaknesses have considerably weakened the capacity of Africa Continent to fully realize the socio-economic benefits associated with rational exploitation of its aquatic natural resources. The growing negative impact of IUU fishing in EEZs of Africa resulting in an annual loss estimated between 2 and 5 billion U.S. Dollars (potential wealth).
In a bid to effectively reverse this phenomenon and reap the benefits of the exploitation of fisheries resources in Africa, the African Union has developed a Policy Framework and Strategy for Reform of Fisheries and Aquaculture, which was adopted by 23rd summit of African Heads of States and Governments in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, June 2014. To contribute to the implementation of this Policy Framework and Strategy of Reform, the African Union has received support from the European Union to implement a project on "Strengthening institutional capacity to improve the governance of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Africa".


One of the expected results of this project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of MCS system for an effective fight against IUU fishing. This will focus on strengthening fisheries monitoring capacity of AU Members States, fostering regional cooperation for combating IUU fisheries through, for example, strengthening and supporting fisheries Observer programmes, facilitating the establishment and/or improvement of vessel registers (national and regional) as essential element for effective MCS and supporting the improvement of the legal framework for an effective deterrent against infractions.
As a prerequisite, it is critical to conduct a thorough review of the current status of MCS in various regions of the continent in order to have all information and knowledge as evidences before embracing on the above activities. It is in this context that consultancies will be undertaken in the five regions of Africa (North, West, Central, East and South).


The overall objective of this consultation is to develop a baseline document on the current state of monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries in the five regions of Africa.
The specific objectives are to:
  • Assess the capacity for MCS in the AU member States and their effectiveness, strengthen and weakness,
  • Identify difficulties and challenges related to capacity building for monitoring fisheries Member States of the AU,
  • Make a thorough examination of fisheries Observers Programs in AU countries,
  • Assess the status of vessels registers and analyze the obstacles to the establishment and/or non-operationalization of vessel registers (domestic and regional) as essential elements for effective MCS,
  • Examine the legal framework for MCS and identify the causes of weakness and/or lack of enforcement of laws and regulations in force in the AU countries for an effective deterrent against infractions in the industrial and artisanal fisheries,
  • Review regional arrangements, if any, for MCS cooperation, their effectiveness, strengthen and weaknesses,
  • Assessing/identifying challenges and constraints for regional cooperation in the fight against IUU fishing,
  • Propose a framework for establishment of regional accord for MCS, e.g. MCS Centre,
  • Analyze the results obtained in the context of other national or regional past or current projects in the fighting against IUU fishing for the best practices, success stories and lessons learnt,
  • Make proposals for effective and sustainable monitoring capacity of fisheries in AU Member States,
  • Make proposals for a framework for establishing regional collaboration for establishing or strengthening regional MCS centre.

Expected Result

  • Comprehensive report on the situation of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Systems in member states of the African Union and in the five regions of the continent.
  • Technical paper on proposals on options for strengthening the institutional capacity of MCS system within the framework of regional cooperation for an effective fight against IUU fishing in Africa
  • Recommendations on intervention areas for support to strengthening MCS systems in AU member states and regional MCS centres categorized into short-term, medium term and long-term.
  • A framework for regional cooperation for MCS.

Specific Actvities

These activities will be implemented simultaneously through the engagement of one individual consultancy for each of the five Regions of Africa: East, Central, North, Southern and West. The Consultant will carry out following specific activities to produce a comprehensive baseline document on the current status of MCS:
  • Briefing by the AU-IBAR;
  • Consultation meetings with the national and regional MCS relevant Authorities;
  • Conduct assessment of institutional, technical and operational capacities of the AU member States to fighting IUU fishing
  • Identify challenges faced by member states for effectively combating MCS
  • Based on findings, recommend strategic intervention areas for sustainably strengthening MCS systems in AU member states
  • Review the institutional set-up, mandate and activities of existing MCS centres or proposed centres in each region of the continent
  • Assess the capability and capacity of the centres to discharge their mandates to effectively combat IUU
  • Conduct review of the essential elements or components for regional cooperation for establishment of regional MSC centre and operations
  • Identify challenges in establishing regional cooperation for MCS
  • Develop a framework for establishment of regional cooperation or accord for MCS, e.g. Regional MCS Centre
  • Finalize the draft documents taking into account of the conclusions and recommendations made by the AU-IBAR;
  • Compilation of the required reports as outlined in Section "Reporting Requirements" of this Terms of Reference.


The consultancy would predominantly be desk, online research and by correspondences. But where necessary, field trips would be undertaken to respective AU MS.

Commencement date & Period of implementation

The intended commencement date is 20 November 2014 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 30 days from this date.



  • Graduate degree in the field of fisheries management and/or maritime law or equivalents


  • Over 10 years of professional experiences in the field of the fisheries management. A proven knowledge of relevant technology in the maritime field is essential,
  • At least five years experience in Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS)
  • Proven experience in strategy development and implementation of MCS system in Africa,
  • Perfect knowledge of regional and international legal and regulatory instruments for combating IUU fishing,
  • Knowledge of the activities of regional fisheries organizations and other institutions e.g. RFBs, RFMO and RECs
  • Working experience or familiarization with international organizations active in the fight against IUU fishing in Africa
  • Excellent ability to write and communicate in English or French and working knowledge of one of the two languages.


Reporting Requirements

The Consultant is required to prepare the following technical reports in English/French:
  1. An Inception Report (IcTR) within 5 days of commencing duty. The ITR should not be longer than 10 pages and must include the proposed methodology, the calendar and programme of activities, RFBs to visit, people to meet and an outline of the contents of the Final Technical Report.
  2. An Interim Technical Report (InTR), to be delivered at a time agreed in the IcTR;
  3. The Final Technical Report (FTR), taking into account contributions and comments from the relevant RFBs. The draft final report must be submitted at least 5 days before the end of the period of implementation of the tasks. If required a second draft FTR will be requested for submission.

Submission of Technical

For this consultancy, the applicants should submit only Technical proposals that should include:
  • Outlining methodologies, for collecting detailed information as per the tasks assigned to this consultancy.
  • A profile and CVs of the consultant(s) undertaking the work indicating relevant experience and contribution of each one of them in the study.
  • Other relevant information showing past experience in related field, demonstrate your expertise by showing the experience, academic background, an inventory of past and current assignments of similar nature.
  • Contact addresses (Postal, email and telephone) of at least three referees and any other information that may show the consultant's ability to carry out the assignment to satisfaction.


The successful consultant will work under the supervision of AU-IBAR.

Selection of the Consultant

The selection of the consultant will be based on the technical evaluation. The Consultant with the highest technical score will be selected.

Payment of the Consultant

The professional fee of each consultancy is fixed at US$ 9,000 (nine thousand US Dollars). The field trip and DSA related to this consultancy will be taken in charge by AU-IBAR. The final Payment should be subject to delivery and clearance by IBAR.
How to apply:

Submission of Proposals

Applications should be sent to applications@au-ibar.org
with mention
The deadline for application is 10 November 2014 at 15h00 (Nairobi time).

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