MONTROSE is an international development services company providing support to clients operating in the developing world. We provide comprehensive services in the areas of technical assistance, social investment programming, project management and business development.
South Sudan Health Pooled Fund is an initiative funded by DFID which will support health service delivery and support achievement of the national health sector development plan’s objectives across 6 of South Sudan’s 10 states. A consortium led by Crown Agents and including Montrose is responsible for managing and implementing the project.
The primary objective of the position is to update the project M&E plan based on project performance and to lead its implementation across all project work-streams.
Tasks and deliverables for this Engagement
The following tasks and deliverables have been identified for this technical engagement:
- Lead the HPF M&E Team (M&E manager, two national M&E officers, six state M&E officers and one M&E specialist) in line with the project M&E plan.
- Monitor and evaluate activities, outputs and outcomes across all three programme objectives: Health Systems Strengthening, Health Service Delivery and Community Engagement - against the project M&E plan.
- Collate, analyse and evaluate project M&E data and provide feedback on project performance to the senior management team. This will include the preparation of quarterly and annual M&E reports.
- Contribute inputs to regular reports to project stakeholders (including the GoSS and DFID).
- Update the M&E plan based on project performance and lead its implementation.
- Provide targeted Technical Assistance to MOH, SMOH and CHD to strengthen their M&E capacity (particularly around BPHS implementation)
- Triangulate HMIS data from DHIS and County Partners reports
- Support continuous monitoring of County Service Providers performance
- Support the evaluation of hospital RFP and monitor subsequent hospital performance
- Support annual HPF conference to share experiences & lessons learnt
- Liaise with broader project stakeholders and attend meetings and fora as necessary
- Demonstrate flexibility to support additional tasks as requested by the senior management team
How to apply:
Candidates who fully meet the above requirements should submit a detailed CV together with a covering letter explaining how you are suited for the position. Documents must include a daytime telephone contact. Applications should be emailed to before 30 October 2014 and will be reviewed ahead of the deadline.