MONTROSE is an international development services company providing support to clients operating in the developing world. We provide comprehensive services in the areas of technical assistance, social investment programming, project management and business development. Specialized in the sectors of health, education, rural livelihoods and private sector development, our clients include bilateral and multilateral development agencies, the private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations and other development stakeholders.
MONTROSEis part of a consortium implementing the South Sudan Health Pooled Fund (HPF), an initiative funded by DFID to support health service delivery and achievement of the national health sector development plans’ objectives across six of South Sudan’s 10 states. The purpose of the South Sudan Health Pooled Fund is to ensure service delivery and to support achievement across six states of the three main objectives in South Sudan’s Health Sector Development Plan, which are:
- Increase the utilisation and quality of health services, with emphasis on maternal and child health
- Scale up health promotion and protection interventions so as to empower communities to take charge of their health
- Strengthen institutional functioning, including governance and health system effectiveness, efficiency and equity.
The HPF supports delivery of essential primary health care and referral health services up to county hospital level, as well as health system strengthening at the national, state, county and facility/community levels. The HPF is supporting these services in Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and Western Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, Unity and Lakes states.
Community Mobilization Specialist will be provided through Skills for South Sudan under the strategic health system initiative in Health Pooled Fund
We are currently seeking to recruit 6 Maternal and New-born Health officers:
The Maternal and New-born Health officers will be willing to live and work in remote areas of South Sudan for the duration of the contract and be receptive to the context in South Sudan and the objectives of the project. He/she shall be expected to work sensitively, flexibly and reactively in a programme context that is strongly focused on capacity building and ownership-enhancement of the Ministry of Health at County and State levels.
He/she shall report directly to the State Coordinator for day-to-day management, in close coordination with the HPF MNCH expert for technical support.
Key Responsibilities.
The Maternal and New-born Health officers will undertake the following tasks:
· Review training materials and documents developed by MOH/JHPIEGO during the learning phase implemented by JHPIEGO.
· Review County work plans and technical/financial support already available through the IP.
· Coordinate and work with the relevant stakeholders at State, County and community levels.
· With the relevant stakeholders, review and come up with a detailed plan for the roll out of the PPH prevention at health facility and community component.
· According to the plan developed, provide the necessary support for the roll out of the PPH prevention program in the health facilities and community. This includes regular visits to support the Counties and health facilities for planning, trainings, supervision and follow-up.
· Support the health facilities, the CHD and the IPs to compile integrated quarterly progress reports which includes reports on the PPH Prevention program submitted to HPF and shared with the SMOH.
· Initiate and strengthen state level RH coordination forum to support the implementation of the PPH plan
· With support from SMOH and CHD, follow up HHPs community activities and correct utilization of misoprostol.
· Support CHD/IPs in acquisition of the necessarily PPH equipment and commodities for rollout of the PPH program in the state
· In collaboration with the Community Mobilization Officer, SMOH and CHD, support helath promotion at the counties to raise wawreness on prevention of PPH among women.
· A detailed plan for PPH Prevention roll out and implementation at health facility and community levels
· A revised training program/schedule, based on the training handbooks already developed by JHPIEGO
· A comprehensive training report with clear subsequent roll out activities including further training needs.
Timeframe and Duration
The Maternal and New-born Health officers will be based in one of the following States: NBeG, WBeG, Lakes, Warrap and EES States. The Maternal and New-born Health officers will have very regular trips from the State capital to the Counties, health facilities and communities to support the roll out and implementation of the PPH prevention training at health facility and community levels.
Qualification and Experiences:
Minimum Qualification:
· University degree in Social Sciences, Public Health from recognized institutions.
· At least 5-7 years experiences of implementing health projects or other developmental programmes.
· Strong preference for South Sudanese National
· Adequate experience and track record working in gender-focussed programmes including women programmes.
· Extensive knowledge and background in Community Development.
· Experience in developing health policy at national Ministries level and working with the communities and enabling community participation.
· Willingness to work in hard to reach areas and travel to health facilities
· Experience of organization training courses.
· Proficient computer skills, in particular Microsoft applications,
· A strong team player with a positive attitude
· Track record of effective management of staffs.
· Successful experience of working with the National Ministry Of Health (MOH)
· Willingness to respond to needs as they arise
· Good Interpersonal Skills and ability to interact effectively with Staff, vendors, Outsode agencies, general Public and Government Officials as well as Familiarity with the Ministry of Health
· Experinece working on programming in South Sudan
How to apply:
How to apply:
Candidates who fully meet the above requirements should submit a detailed CV together with a covering letter explaining how you are suited for the position. Documents must include a daytime telephone contact. Applications should be emailed to before 30 October 2014 and will be reviewed ahead of the deadline.