IESC is seeking short-term financial services technical experts for the anticipated USAID-funded Supporting Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) Program in Egypt. SEED aims to promote inclusive economic growth and improve the competitiveness of the private sector in Egypt through the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and stimulating entrepreneurship. It is expected to create new jobs and generate additional income for Egyptian small business owners, laborers, and entrepreneurs, with a focus on women and youth. This position is short-term, with travel to Cairo for up to a month at a time and approximately two to three times a year.
General Qualifications (for all positions):
- Bachelor’s degree with a focus on finance, business, economics or other relevant subject required; advanced degree preferred;
- Minimum five years of experience working with MSMEs and entrepreneurs in emerging markets;
- Experience liaising with leadership of financial services institutions;
- Experience in designing and delivering training programs for financial services professionals;
- Strong analytical, facilitation, and communication skills;
- Recent experience working in Egypt or MENA, particularly in the last five years;
- Fluency in English required, and fluency in Arabic is highly preferred.
Banking Product and Guarantee Advisor(s): Minimum five years of experience providing support to private financial institutions to develop new financial products and incorporating credit guarantees for SMEs. Those with experience in developing more unconventional types of products, including leasing and factoring, are strongly encouraged to apply;
Microfinance Product Advisor:Minimum five years of experience providing support to microfinance institutions in conducting market research and developing new microfinance products. Those with experience in supply chain/value chain finance experience are strongly encouraged to apply.
SME Investment Advisor:Minimum five years of experience working in small and medium enterprise/middle market lending or private equity/impact investing/venture capital, either within a financial institution, investment fund, or as a consultant. The person should be able to both work with SMEs in becoming “investment ready” as well as advise local investors and investment funds;
Islamic Finance Advisor: Minimum five years of experience providing support to financial institutions in developing sharia-compliant financial products and procedures. Fluency in Arabic is required for this position;
Mobile Banking/Digital Finance Advisor:Minimum five years of experience providing support to financial institutions, telecoms, and other mobile money providers in developing digital finance solutions and procedures for financial inclusion;
Financial Education Advisor: Minimum five years of experience in designing and implementing financial education/literacy programs for disadvantaged groups, particularly youth and women. Fluency in Arabic is required for this position.
How to apply: The closing date for applications is March 17, 2015. Please submit a simple e-mail introduction stating your interest and current resume to with “Egypt - STTA” in the subject line, indicating the position interested in. If you qualify and are interested in more than one of the positions above, please state this in your email introduction. IESC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.