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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Physical Rehabilitation and accessibility Advisor - Sierra Leone

by Unknown  |  at  2:41 AM

Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.
Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.
For more details on the association: http://www.handicap-international.org/
According to the latest World Health Organization update on February 1st, 2015, a total of 22,495 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of Ebola and 8,981 deaths had been reported as of February 1st from the three West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) where transmission has been widespread and intense[1]. Total case counts include all suspected, probable, and confirmed cases, which are defined similarly by each country. Because of improvements in laboratory diagnostics and surveillance, in recent weeks totals may overestimate the actual number of cases in some areas. The highest reported confirmed case counts were from Sierra Leone and Liberia, followed by Guinea.
The Handicap International "Mano River" programme that covers Liberia and Sierra Leone (based in SL) was implementing the following projects until the outbreak of the epidemic in these two countries early in the summer of 2014:
ü Inclusive Education projects (1 in Liberia and 1 in Sierra Leone);
ü Mother and Child Health Project (SL),
ü Civil society support project (disability movement) in Liberia. These projects have been stopped and their human resources devoted to the Ebola response.
The HI response to Ebola focuses in Sierra Leone on:
ü Ebola Ambulance fleet management in Western Area (Freetown and rural area): transportation of affected persons and home decontamination.
ü Ebola awareness raising of vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, sex workers, HIV/AID affected, etc...), either through direct awareness actions with these groups or through sensitisation of stakeholders in the field (authorities, NGOs in order to include the specificities of those groups in their awareness campaigns. Awareness campaigns realized during the first phase towards people with disabilities were accompanied by a distribution of hygiene products.
ü Consortium with several INGOs, to support the identification and response to protection issues, particularly alerts related to Ebola context and to realise protection mainstreaming.
ü Resuming the Inclusive Education project following the reprogramming process to adapt the activities to Ebola context.
Today, in Sierra Leone, HI is leader of the “special needs” sub-committee of the cluster “Social Mobilisation” (lead by UNICEF).
The Protection Consortium aim to propose a coordinated protection response in Sierra Leone linked with the Ebola crisis. There are seven organizations that are part of the Protection Consortium - Concern Worldwide, IRC, Save the Children, ACF, GOAL, Plan International, and Handicap International – who will together support protection response activities at district level in Sierra Leone. The protection response will be based on identification of vulnerable persons facing protection concerns, referral to existing protection services if possible, follow-up of referrals and/or direct provision of services (when no services are accessible or not existing). The project will also include mainstreaming /inclusion activities to ensure the inclusion of the most vulnerable, in the overall humanitarian response through a comprehensive understanding and better account taken of their specific vulnerabilities and needs.
Under the direct supervision of the project manager, you will be responsible for:
§ Provide technical support to the Project Manager (PM) and project teams in order to guarantee harmonized and qualitative protocols and activities to answer the needs of persons with disabilities and elderly persons within the protection consortium project;
§ Participate in the design of training material and provide trainings to the consortium teams and its partners on vulnerability and protection issues related to disability;
§ Technical support to the inclusion manager for the implementation of the disability mainstreaming activities;
§ Setting up and ensuring the continuous monitoring of the activities under your management including qualitative and quantitative monitoring;
§ Regularly reporting on the above activities (statistic, review monthly objectives, etc.) as per requested by your line manager;
§ Using appropriate HI tools and/or participate to the development of new technical tools in coordination with the technical advisors upon needs of your activities (IEC material, training tools, etc...).
§ Ensuring external coordination on all aspects related to disability and elderly, particularly for the revision/development of protection SoP’s;
  • Provide, with the technical staff of the partners, technical support and refresher trainings to the Protection Consortium teams on protection aspect for persons with disabilities and older persons and inclusion of these groups in the Ebola response.
  • Conduct trainings on accessibility and inclusion of persons with disability and elderly persons in the relief interventions for humanitarian actors in Sierra Leone, including sessions for senior level staff.
  • Provide in-depth and specific technical support in order to improve the access to services for vulnerable population. The technical support may be offered in addition, and as follow up to training.
  • Participate to physical rehabilitation structures’ assessment and mapping for appropriate referral system
  • Provide advices on related equipment and material, including quality check.
  • Completion of a documented assessment and index of P&O market, including quality check.
  • Design and provide tools, assessment forms
  • Guarantee rehabilitation field intervention quality through on the job training, support and case management
  • Support the PM to define and set up monitoring tools related to activities aiming to answer the needs of persons with disabilities and elderly persons
  • Advise and suggest physical rehabilitation related evolutions/initiatives in HI protection project
  • Participate to the design and review of activities related to mainstreaming disability activities
§ Conduct monitoring visits and analyse the data related to the activities undertaken by Handicap International to answer the needs of persons with disabilities and elderly persons and provide recommendations to the project team;
§ Monitor and analyse performance of external agencies with regard to defined organisation action plan and activities undertaken to ensure disability inclusive humanitarian response and provide recommendations for improvement (e.g. adaptation to assessment forms, data collection and analysis, modified programme implementation, and progress reports, etc.).
§ Support the identification of country indicators for the disability mainstreaming/inclusion programme’s future strategy.
§ Link and refer evidence and learning to humanitarian standards where relevant.
§ Provide regular activity reports to the PM
§ Facilitate regular reporting on your activities to the PM upon his/her solicitation (coordination meetings, workshops, etc.)
§ Participate to the monthly situation report (SITREP) by providing relevant data and qualitative information related to your position.
§ Capitalization of monitoring & evaluation of impact.
§ In close collaboration with the Project Manager and the inclusion manager, formalize all training/workshop documents.
§ Participate in the design of training materials to strengthen the capacities of consortium partners and external stakeholders on protection of the most vulnerable individuals and groups.
§ Coordinate with the different stakeholders involved in the revision and development of Standard Operating Procedures on protection referral mechanism;
§ Upon request represent Handicap International on issues related to disability and elderly with any relevant stakeholders (in particular INGOs part of the consortium), local, national and international partners; local and provincial authorities in order to facilitate the implementation of projects activities.
§ You participate when needed/relevant to the Working Groups relative to your field of intervention at national if required and/or local level;
§ Compulsory OT/PT degree
§ At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of vulnerability / disability
§ At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of physical rehabilitation
§ Experience in emergency projects, preferably with Handicap International. Proven ability to advise on disability/vulnerability issues
§ Strong communication and training skills
§ Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
§ Ability to work under high pressure and without constant supervision
§ English mandatory (oral and written), French would be an asset
[1] WHO Situation Report – 1st February 2015

Please send your CV and cover through the following link :

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