Location:Bié, Huambo, Huila/Benguela provinces
Starting date: according to availability
End date:30/09/2016
People in Need (PIN) has been active in Angola since 2006. Team of 8 expatriates and approx. 70 local staff manage programs focusing on improving education, livelihoods and food security, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions and gender-based violence. PIN programs are managed from its head office in Kuito, Bié province and field office in Huambo province. For more info see http://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/humanitary-aid/country/angola
Program Manager is responsible for the overall management of a project that aims to provide access to safe drinking water for remote communities in Bié, Huambo, Huila/Benguela and to strengthen hygiene and sanitation standards of these communities.
Main responsibilities:
- Overall project management and implementation
- Local team management and capacity building
- Regular monitoring and evaluation of project activities
- Reporting to HQ and donors
- Cooperation with partners, donors, local authorities and communities
Main requirements:
- Knowledge and experience working with construction and rehabilitation of water points according to technical standards, Community Lead Total Sanitation (CLTS); water and sanitation supply chains and hygiene behavioural change communication (BCC) required;
- Relevant academic qualification in WASH or related field required;
- Experience in capacity building (local partners from civil society and government)
- Sensitivity to crosscutting topics, specially on gender and nutrition issues;
- Excellent knowledge of English
- At least intermediate knowledge of Portuguese essential (preferably with previous work experience in Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola in particular)
- Experience in project management including project development, project implementation and project evaluation (PCM)
- Experience in qualitative and quantitative surveys for WASH-related indicators and familiarity with data analysis and mapping software highly desired.
- Team management experience (at least 3 years in management positions)
- Experience in working with communities in developing countries (experience living in a rural African context highly desired)
- Very good communication and organizational skills
- Team player
PIN offers:
- Responsible and independent working position
- Background of a well-established organization
- Start up salary 2 880 USD per month, per diem included
- Reimbursement of travel expenses with travel to the country of residence once per every 6 months of work
- Reimbursement of costs of visas and vaccinations
- Medical helpdesk available online
- Travel insurance
- Accommodation is in PIN guesthouse on PIN expenses
- 25 days of paid leave annually
- R&R: PIN will cover cost of one regional ticket up to 500 USD per year
If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and letter of motivation toHR@peopleinneed.cz until 17th March 2015. Please note only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.