The worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has launched an ambitious program of conservation in the Congo Basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), WWF is implementing eight action programs including one active since 2005 in the Salonga National Park (SNP) and its landscape.
The Salonga National Park, second rainforest protected area in the world, contains a biological diversity of exceptional value. Species, ecosystems, and ecological processes contained in this protected area constitute a heritage of the first order for the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN), the DRC, as well as the whole of humanity.
However, serious threats weigh on the SNP featuring not only endangering the outstanding universal values of the site but also jeopardizing the initiatives of sustainable management of natural
resources in the heart of the Congo Basin.
Under the CAFEC project, funded by USAID, WWF will implement a work programme over the next five years primarily oriented towards the protected area and its periphery, the whole forming a priority landscape of the COMIFAC (Central African Forest Commission). This program brings together the ICCN and various conservation NGOs as well as financial partners.
It is also anticipated, with the help of additional funding that WWF will engage, along with ICCN in establishing a co-management procedure involving ICCN to WWF and several other conservation NGOs, supported by funding from several donors including USAID, KfW and the EU, in order to strengthen the management of the SNP.
In this context, the Administrator of the Salonga Program will oversee the implementation of administrative procedures, financial control and human resources of the program based in Monkoto.
Internal – Close working relationship with the Program Manager, other m managers at WWF-DRC such as the CAFEC Program Finance Administrator and the Human Resources Supervisor in order to coordinate efforts and mobilize support.
External – Close working relationship with the main partners: the Environment Ministry, local authorities in charge of protected area management (ICCN), partner NGOs and local communities.
WWF implements a policy of competitive benefits for its staff. This position is opened to candidates with or without family.
E-mail: The subject should readSalonga Program Administrator.
Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted for follow up. If you have not been contacted six (6) weeks after closing, consider your application unsuccessful.
Deadline for applications: 19 March 2015
WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce
The Salonga National Park, second rainforest protected area in the world, contains a biological diversity of exceptional value. Species, ecosystems, and ecological processes contained in this protected area constitute a heritage of the first order for the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN), the DRC, as well as the whole of humanity.
However, serious threats weigh on the SNP featuring not only endangering the outstanding universal values of the site but also jeopardizing the initiatives of sustainable management of natural
resources in the heart of the Congo Basin.
Under the CAFEC project, funded by USAID, WWF will implement a work programme over the next five years primarily oriented towards the protected area and its periphery, the whole forming a priority landscape of the COMIFAC (Central African Forest Commission). This program brings together the ICCN and various conservation NGOs as well as financial partners.
It is also anticipated, with the help of additional funding that WWF will engage, along with ICCN in establishing a co-management procedure involving ICCN to WWF and several other conservation NGOs, supported by funding from several donors including USAID, KfW and the EU, in order to strengthen the management of the SNP.
In this context, the Administrator of the Salonga Program will oversee the implementation of administrative procedures, financial control and human resources of the program based in Monkoto.
The position is based at Monkoto, Province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo.Main duties:
- Technical coordination: He will assist in the development of operational plans, budgets and contractual arrangements for activities under the direct responsibility of the Salonga Program Manager.
- Human and financial resources management: with the direct support of the Human Resources Office, the Finance Department of WWF DRC and the local Administrative Assistant, the Administrator will provide the technical supervision of program staff as well as its financial management. He will be particularly responsible for justification of expenditures, the review of financial reports, budget planning, etc., according to established procedures of financial partners and WWF. He will therefore ensure that budgets are approved by the Program Manager and expenditures justified before sending them to the accounting unit. He will assist the “Finance, Administration and HR Department” of the SNP so that it can produce, respecting established management procedures, the Park’s annual financial statements (Balance sheet, income statement, detailed explanatory annexes) in a condition to be audited annually by an internationally accredited auditing firm.
- Strengthening partnerships: The Administrator will support the Program Manager in the structuring of a strategic partnership with ICCN and other partners in order to establish a co-management structure leading to a significant improvement in the management of the SNP. This will mainly include: the development of partnership agreements with ICCN and other partners; supporting the development of a Foundation (statutes, structure of entities; establishment of committees etc.); supporting the preparation of descriptions for key positions and capacity-building for the PNS management unit; support the implementation of the operational plan of the SNP; participate in the resolution of conflicts, etc.
Main responsibilities:
- Contribute to the preparation of budgets in accordance with the standards of WWF and the donors under the supervision of the Program Director;
- Ensure that adequate finance and administration systems and procedures are operational throughout the WWF sites attached to the programme;
- Contribute, in consultation with ICCN’s financial and administrative unit (DAF ICCN) and in close cooperation with partners on the site, in the drafting of the manual of managing budgetary, accounting and financial procedures specific to the SNP, which will be based on the General provisions laid down by the DAF-ICCN;
- Ensure that the “Finance, Administration and HR Department” of the SNP provides rigorous budget and management and rigorous that enables the production, within legal deadlines and according to OHADA standards, of auditable and certifiable annual financial statements;
- Produce and complete on time monthly financial reports, bank reconciliations and financial information requested by the national office;
- Ensure the development and implementation of financial procedures aligned with the standards of WWF and current Congolese legislation as well as the requirements of donors;
- Prepare requests for funds based on solid expenditure plans consistent with the technical program;
- Ensure a proper posting of expenditures based on authorized budgets as well as proper documentation;
- Prepare and facilitate external and internal financial audits and participate if needed in other monitoring and evaluation processes;
- Prepare contracts and ensure that they are in accordance with current legislation;
- Ensure that the payment of salaries is made in a timely manner;
- Execution of other tasks entrusted by the hierarchy for the needs of the Service.
What you need:
Required Qualifications
- An advanced degree in economics, business administration or other related field with an accounting option or an equivalent vocational diploma;
- A least of 5 years of experience in the financial project administration and management with an international or multinational organization would be an advantage.
Required Skills and Competencies
- Capacity of rigorous financial management and accounting with a strong organizational capability and communication and computer skills;
- Ability to analyse, prioritize and complete tasks with minimal supervision within strict deadlines;
- An understanding of institutions funded by donors, particularly conservation organizations will be a definite advantage;
- This position requires an imaginative (creative) flexible, friendly and cooperative personality;
- Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills in French and English;
- Good administrative, financial, human resources and project management capabilities;
- Ability to work in difficult, problematic and complex conditions;
- Commitment to the mission of WWF and adherence to WWF’s values which are: Knowledgeable, Optimistic, Determined and Engaging.
Working relationships
Internal – Close working relationship with the Program Manager, other m managers at WWF-DRC such as the CAFEC Program Finance Administrator and the Human Resources Supervisor in order to coordinate efforts and mobilize support.
External – Close working relationship with the main partners: the Environment Ministry, local authorities in charge of protected area management (ICCN), partner NGOs and local communities.
WWF implements a policy of competitive benefits for its staff. This position is opened to candidates with or without family.
How to apply?
Interested candidates who meet the above requirements should send a cover letter and a detailed CV with 2-3 references to the Human Resources Manager:E-mail: The subject should readSalonga Program Administrator.
Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted for follow up. If you have not been contacted six (6) weeks after closing, consider your application unsuccessful.
Deadline for applications: 19 March 2015
WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce