Project Description
The renewal and expansion of the wastewater collection systems in the 3 main islands of Seychelles to cover the current and projected populations, including the upgrading of the existing sewerage system in Mahé island, and the creation of new sanitation facilities in the island of La Digue to reduce the risk of contamination of the groundwater sources used for the production of potable water. The project also includes the implementation of water demand and resource management programmes including environmental and natural disaster risk management and capacity building of local institutions through technical assistance and the provision of tools to implement and efficiently operate the water and sanitation facilities
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience
- Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized institution
- At least 15 years’ experience from water supply, sanitation and WWTP projects,
- Minimum of 10 years in detailed design, technical specification, tender documents and construction supervision for the installation of electro-mechanical equipment of water and wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations;"
- Relevant project experience in a minimum of 3 Nr. countries (at least 1 Nr. Countries should be in ACP countries) with water and wastewater treatment plant design, construction and rehabilitation
- Experience from a minimum of 5 Nr. WWTP design, technical specification and construction supervision projects of similar scope and size
- Demonstrated skills and experience in preparation of O&M Manual and undertaking training activities for O&M staff of WWTP and pumping stations
- Demonstrated skills in computer application and use of software programs
- Ability to transfer know-how to staff working in public utilities
- Fluent in English (reading, writing and speaking)
Duration of contract
Approximately 3 Man-months
Estimated start date
April 2015
Republic of Seychelles
Mechanical Engineer for the Improvement of Wastewater Systems