Closing date: Monday, 5 January 2015
As EGPAF i n creases an on-the-ground presence in Cameroon, the i ndividuals imple m enting this work will likely f l uctuate. EGPAF is c o mmitted to providing the best team possible and will aggressively pursue establishing long-term consultan t s and e m plo y ees in the country. In light of this, EGPAF has established a count r y o f fice opening t ask team and is aggressive l y pursu i ng registration. The consultant role listed below will be transitioned i n to an e m plo y ee posit i on once registration in Ca m eroon is achieved. The C onsultant will not be guaranteed an e m plo y ee position, but t h eir application to t h e pos i tion will be s t rong l y considered.
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) has worked in Came r oon since 2000 throu g h local and established internatio n al organ i zations. In 2 0 13, EGPAF was directly f und e d b y the U.S. Centers for Dis e a s e Control and Pre v ention (CDC) to provide technical assis t ance in Cameroon under the Global Technical Assistance Se rv ices Project (Project DE L TA – DELiv e ring Technical Assistance ). The assig n m ent presented in this scope of work (SOW) is to be i m ple m ented as part of this project, the p u rp o se which is to provide c o m p rehens iv e and cost- effective t e chnical assis t ance (TA), cap a city building, and program i m pl e m entat i on expertise for PEPFAR and Global Fund-supported g l obal health activities in the three programmatic areas of 1) prevention of m o ther-to-child trans m i ssion of HIV (PMTCT), 2) HIV ca r e a n d trea t m ent clinical servi c es for adults and children, and 3) HIV p e diatric care a nd treatment.
EGPAF has been awarded 'Acceleration Funds' to i m ple m ent acti v ities under th i s PEFPAR initiative. An EGPAF team traveled to Yaoundé in O c tober 2014 to meet with stakeholders, MOH officia l s, and with CDC/C a mero o n to develop t h is SOW for TA activities to be i m ple m ented in Ca m eroon in the rest of project y ear 1 (throu g h M a rch 2015) and thro u gh o ut project y ear 2 (April 20 1 5 – March 20 1 6).
For this TA assig n m ent, EGPAF will be coordinati n g several train i ngs. In collaboration with the EGPAF HQ t echnical te a m and the in-country EGPAF representati v e, the Training Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring t h e i m p le m entation of high quali t y trainings. The Training Coordinator will be responsible for coordin a ting various people involved i n each training, book i ng ven u es, ensuring adequate a nd appropriate m a terials, and reporting back t o the Project DELTA team after each training. There will be 3 different technical areas cov e red in these trainings, each with a different geographical reach. The trainings will include:
The ideal candidate will have fa m iliarity work i ng in re m o te a r eas as well as with national level entities and have a strong understand i ng of the Ca m eroon health syste m . The consultant will be supported by a team fr o m EG P AF HQ that will provide t h e technical content and a g enda for the trainings.
The consultant will be suppor t ed by the HQ team at the beginning of each training c y cle, but will be responsible for overseeing the train e rs and the content delivery after the HQ team lea v es. The c onsultant will be respon s ible for all logistics related to the trainings and will be available as n eeded to assist with the trainings. So m e t r ainings will occur concurrent l y , so it is essential that the c on s ultant is flex i b le and able t o respond qu i ckly to needs in different are a s.
The Consultant will have an identified c oun t erpart at EGPAF HQ for all activities. EGPAF ass u mes ultimate r esponsibili t y for submitting all doc u m ents and deliverables to CDC. EGPAF HQ will directly liaise with CDC Atlanta and provide direction and support t o the Consultant i n the i m pleme n tation of all project-related activit i es. All deliverables will be sub m i tted by t h e Consultant to EGPAF HQ for review and further dis s e m ination.
Equipment and/or Materials Required
The Consultant will prov i de his/her own lap t op and m obile phone for use on project-related activities. T h e Foundation will provide the Consultant with office space and access to internet and printing facilities.
Specific Timeframe
Approxi m ate l y one y ear, f r om February 2, 2015 – February 1, 2016, or until EG P AF's registration in Ca m eroon is c o m p lete and the Consult a nt m ay app l y for an e m pl oy ee posit i on. The contract is renewable b y m u tual consent dependi n g on availabi l ity of f u ndi ng , thro u gh a written a m e n dment.
Location of Work
Yaoundé, Cameroon, with frequent tra v el to NW, SW, and Littoral Regions a n d occasional t ravel to the o t her 6 regions in Cameroon.
The anticipated contract type is Time a n d M a terials. The Foundation will also r e i m burse all work-related telephone, local transportation, trave l , a nd m iscellaneous m a t erials expenses up to a certain thres h old. In the financ i al proposal, t h e Consultant m u st propose a fixed daily rate, and esti m ate the nu m b er of d a y s requi r ed to co m p lete the activities and d e liverables listed in this RFP. The Consultant m u st also outline all expected work-related t e lephone and local transportation c o sts within Yaoundé, which EGPAF will rei m burse up to a ce r tain threshold.
The Consul t ant is not responsible for outl i ning costs related to region a l travel within Cameroon; EGPAF will separately rei m burse the Consultant f o r the cost of air or gro u nd travel, lodgi n g , and per diem for travel outside Yao u ndé. EGPAF will not rei m burse Consultant f o r travel to C a m eroon from another location, costs for obtaining a work per m it or visa, housing / acc o mmod a t i on in Yaoundé, or a dai l y per diem in Yaoundé. Unless s t ated otherwise in this RFP, the Consultant is responsible for prov i ding equip m ent a n d/or supplies required to perform the servic e s. All deliverables provided t o the Fo u nda t ion m u st be furnished for t h e use of the Foundati o n without ro y a l ty or any add i tional fees. 'Materia l s' will include ever y t hing prepared by Consultant pursu a n t to t h is Contract, including without li m itation, the Deliverables, reports, creative and other m aterials, manuals, studies, photographs, negatives and all other do c uments.
All Materials de v e l oped under this Contract will be owned exclusively by the Found a tion. Consultant w ill not use or allow the use of the Materials for any purpose other than Consultan t 's performance of the Contr a ct without the prior written consent of t h e Foundati o n. The Consultant will be responsible for obtaining all a pplicable visas and/or work pe r m its.