About 350.org
350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries. 350.org works hard to organize in a new way— everywhere at once, using online tools to facilitate strategic offline action. We want to be a laboratory for the best ways to strengthen the climate movement and catalyze transformation around the world.
350.org, through its Fossil Free campaign, is a leading organisation in the fossil fuel divestment movement.
Through relentless campaigning over the past seven years, 350.org has helped activate a global grassroots movement to fight climate change. And we want you to join us.
Working with diverse allies and volunteers, our small team of young organisers has energised millions of people around the globe, demonstrated sustainable solutions, and influenced the debate on climate in the media and among politicians.
Our team is an inclusive and collaborative group that is committed to principles of justice, and we work as allies to community-based groups around the world. We are working hard to bring new perspectives and backgrounds into our team, and to make 350.org an inviting place to work for any candidate who applies.
The 350.org - Africa and Arab world team is campaigning to build a thriving and resilient region where people’s power promotes and maintains a healthy environment and builds an equitable society that is just, harmonious and driven by renewable energy.
About this position:
The Digital Campaigner will help coordinate and implement a variety of web and design projects. They will be managed by the Regional Communications Manager, will work closely with the regional teams, and collaborate with staff throughout 350.org's offices worldwide.
The successful candidate will be a self-starter, creative, an excellent communicator, and a team player. We’re looking for someone tech-savvy and highly dependable, with the ability to balance and juggle several high-priority projects at any given time. As a campaigner, it is important that this person also has a strong analytical ability and be a strategic thinker.
- Writing: this position will entail a lot of writing -- we need an eloquent wordsmith to help with everything from email blasts to press releases, blog posts to Twitter updates.
- Campaigning: we’re scaling up our climate campaigns around the world -- the ideal candidate will be able to pick a target, hone in on a strategy, and work with several stakeholders to craft and implement a rapid-response campaign. It will also be necessary to monitor national petitions created and managed by volunteers on 350 Campaigns platform, and support them
- Production and Project Management:we’re going to be cranking out a lot more content (videos, infographics, highly shareable images, etc), some of it produced internally and some externally. The Online Campaigner will feel equally comfortable creating an image macro and managing a videographer on contract.
- Research: whether it’s assessing the options for a new web tool or digging deep into the financial records of a coal baron, we’re looking for someone who can slog through a mountain of information and distill it into nuggets of useful and actionable material.
- Digital Innovation: 350.org is always on the lookout for ways to push the boundaries of online organizing, and the ideal candidate will be fired up to propose and implement new online solutions that will scale up the climate movement and increase our impact. This will not just be an email writing position: you should be ready to use social media, including emerging networks and tools, to accomplish campaign and mobilising goals.
- Community Management: we’re scaling up our online platforms, including ways for local groups to connect and collaborate online. This position will likely entail monitoring, supporting, training and managing activity on our “Local 350” platform to ensure that local communities are thriving online and offline.
- Strategic input: Strategic input is key to developing a campaign. As such the digital campaigner must coordinate and manage regional digital strategy for global, and distributed campaigns.
Required Skills & Qualifications
- Excellent writing and communications skills.
- Close familiarity with the basic tools and best practices of online campaigning.
- Project management and problem solving experience.
Highly welcomed skills and qualifications
- Basic skills in HTML/CSS/JS, experience with content management systems, and general technical expertise.
- Experience with online campaigning techniques and technologies: email best practices, database management, email blasting software, CRMs, etc.
- Relevant experience in social or environmental activism or advocacy, political strategy, social media and online organizing,
- Basic graphic design skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
- Multilingual abilities (French, English) and a global perspective on climate change and current events.
Location:Johannesburg, South Africa
Position Type: Full-time
Application Deadline: Rolling Until Hired
Start Date: As soon as possible
Compensation Range: Competitive compensation, based on Experience
Hours per Week: 40 hrs/week
Reports to: Africa-Arab World Communications Manager
350.org wants to be an inclusive and collaborative group of people who bring a variety of approaches to the work we do. We’re committed to the principles of justice, and we try to build a workplace where everyone’s treated fairly and enjoys working together. We value new perspectives, ideas of all sorts, and different ways of working. Diverse perspectives and experiences improve the way 350.org carries out its work – including what we decide to work on and how creatively/effectively we do that. We do our best to make staff positions accessible to women, people of of any ethnic background, people of any age, Indigenous people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer people, disabled people, and other under-represented communities in our kind of organisations – including communities most impacted by climate change or impacted by other kinds of environmental, social, and economic injustice.
If you have suggestions for us on how to do this better, we really value your input and strongly encourage you to write to us atjobs@350.orgwith the subject line ‘Hiring Feedback’.
Apply here: http://grnh.se/pfynm0