The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) seeks to employ a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) advisor for an anticipated 5-Year Sanitation program in Uganda to be awarded by USAID in FY2015. The MEL Officer, will provide Monitoring and evaluation services in support to the Chief of Party. He/she will have a lead role on monitor and evaluation to institutionalize and strengthen learning, result oriented management of the project, ensure learning and feedback loops are active and the data generated by the project is managed well for evidence based learning. The MEL will work with the Chief of Party to monitor and evaluate a high-impact program to institutionalize catalytic models of sustainable service delivery and strengthen governance for resilient and sustainable management of WASH services and water resources in Kenya. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable of USAID and GoU indictors, an adept manager, experienced in evaluating new technologies and methods, and will lead the MWA partners M&E from Kampala.
Specific M&E Director responsibilities include the following:
· Provide strategic leadership in designing, developing, and implementing a monitoring, research and evaluation strategy for the project.
· Guide the development monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems that include appropriate indicators, baseline data, targets and a plan to evaluate performance and produce timely accurate and complete reporting
· Develop innovative approaches to measure project performance.
· Oversee the design and implementation of performance monitoring plans, indicators, and systems for data collection and train users of the same.
· Develop the project’s data management systems for increased data accuracy, timeliness, and reliability in assessing the overall project impact and coverage.
· Design and implement a system to identify, analyze, document and disseminate lessons learned
· Direct the collection, analysis, and use of project data for decision-making and maintain the indicators database.
· Assist in the development of project reports with staff and executing partners in preparing their progress reports in accordance with approved reporting formats and ensure their timely submission of ad hoc, monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
· Prepare consolidation progress reports for project management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in the project implementation, and providing specific recommendations.
· Consolidate a culture of lessons learning involving all project staff and allocate specific responsibilities and document, package and disseminate lessons learned at least annually.
· Provide leadership in implementing monitoring strategies and assessing data quality, collection methods and sources of information.
· Monitor implementation and progress toward reaching goals, objectives, and specific activity targets.
· Compile and report data for key programmatic output, outcome, and impact indicators, including routine data validation.
· Measure effectiveness of the portfolio of the Uganda sanitation Program
· Lead the reporting of project performance and that these reports meet MWA and USAID requirements.
· Contribute to the development of the annual work plan, ensuring alignment with project strategy, agreement on annual targets and inclusion of M&E activates in the work plan.
· Oversee and execute M&E activities included in the annual work plan, with particular focus on results and impacts as well as in lesson learning
· Promote a results-based approach to monitoring and evaluation, emphasizing results and impacts
· Ensure, with COP, that data are collated and shared with the implementing partners and key stakeholders
· Lead analysis and publication of results, as appropriate, and support other dissemination necessary as may be necessary but in liaison with COP.
· Provide training and mentoring of the sub-grantees and local capacity building specialists to ensure high-quality monitoring and evaluation practices.
· Provide mentoring, coaching, and supervision to M&E counter parts of the implementing partners.
Minimum Requirements:
· Minimum of a masters’ degree in M&E, Social sciences, statistics and research methods or closely related discipline.
· Minimum of 8 years’ experience in evaluation of health and WASH related programs.
· Experience in working with multiple partners, including the Government counterparts
· Proven ability to articulate technical information clearly to both technical and non-technical persons.
· Demonstrated experience in moving evaluation and research findings to program actions
· Strong interpersonal, writing and communication skills.
Applicants should forward a cover letter, CV in reverse chronological format, and a list of at least 3 professional references (name, contact information, and statement of relationship to the reference) The applications for this position close on 15/07/2015. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please make sure to add the “job title” in the subject line of your email.
Qualified candidates are highly encouraged to apply. MWA is an equal opportunity employer. MWA is committed to providing equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or with respect to policies, programs, or activities.