CAMRIS International seeks Short-Term Technical Expertise to provide support to an upcoming 5-year Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism and Services (MMEMS) program, which will be able to provide continued, on-the-ground support on performance monitoring, data verification, evaluation of the impact, output and outcome results and environmental compliance of USAID/Mozambique activities. MMEMS will provide consistent performance monitoring and reporting, as well as reviews of specific activities, projects and the mission portfolio as a whole on at least an annual basis. The goal of MMEMS is to make USAID/Mozambique a more effective and adaptive development organization. The MMEMS will be managed by the Mission’s Program Office (PRO) to achieve the following objectives:
- Improve the capacity of USAID /Mozambique staff to effectively manage and learn from monitoring and evaluation activities. Improve the capacity of USAID /Mozambique staff to effectively manage and learn from monitoring and evaluation activities.
- Monitor and enhance performance data for better evidence-based decision making.
- Generate high quality evaluations and assessments for the USAID Mission in an efficient and timely manner.
Performance of this contract will be principally in Mozambique; with a headquarters office located in Maputo, and two field offices located each in Quelimane City and another city to be determined. We have a need for:
Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA) available for short-term assignments in the following areas:
· Democracy, Rights, and Governance: Local Governance Rule of Law, Election Participation, and Civil Society Organizations Strengthening projects.
· Education: Basic Education (including early grade reading, girls’ education, literacy and youth)
· Agriculture, Environment, and Business: Infrastructure (especially agriculture, energy and roads), Agriculture (irrigation, value chain, horticulture), Food Security, Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change.
· Integrated Health: Health (including HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health, Malaria, and Orphans and Vulnerable Children)
· Monitoring and Evaluation: Performance Management Plans (PMPs), Monitoring and Evaluation Plans (MEPs), data quality assessments, results, and logical frameworks, results/impact measurement, outcome and output indicator development, including creation of indices, data collection and analysis, evaluation design and methods, social science research methods, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and web-based M&E/performance management and reporting system/databases. Appropriate experience in a relevant technical specialty described above may also be required.
To apply, please visit: